Release Thread for the week of 12/6/24

Happy anniversary FOX holders, we’ve been posting these for a year!

Week of 12/6/24 - 1 Release - 5 Commits - 1 ephemeral environment test

Operational Notes:

Two weeks of releases is a lot to go over in one thread!

The week started with a huge release unveiling a lot of work Woody has been working on related to separating rates and quotes in swapper. This lead to a premature attempt at removing the splash screen that required some more scrutiny and bug fixes to assure a quality experience for wallet less users.
Many smaller issues related to bugs in Thorchain, Portals, utxo big number math, and gas estimations were addressed shortly after being reported over the two weeks. The pipeline of bug tickets is clearing up and the time to bug fixes from reporting has gone down significantly.

Operations held a December Office hour highlighting the importance of the release process, the importance of the prioritization of bug fixes versus feature work, the importance of ephemeral environment testing, and an overview of the flow of issue reporting to prod issue resolution.

Another Release with Chainflip and Jupiter flags being turned on in them had to be reverted for further testing to not slow the process of bugs fixes going out while the feature gets more extensive e2e testing.

after going back into ephemeral environment testing, SOL + support is in it’s final rounds of testing and should go out next week if no blocking bugs are discovered.


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General & Strategy

Office hours in the can. even after holiday break. Product Office Hours 12/5/2024 - Google Slides

The largest takeaway is that previewing trades and connecting wallets are big converters for user retention. With the splash screen gone and much cleaner UX we should see some spikes in trades and hopefully validate that hypothesis. That hypothesis is Less friction= more actions.

Gotta get folks using Shapeshift and they stay, which is super encouraging. We did fall off on swap volume overall, sadly. However there are super glimmers:

portals F***s, 0x back up, Thorchain LP’s continue to like our UX, and our THOR acquisition campaign didn’t hand away the keys to the kingdom. 25% of the volume was 0 BPS on our biggest week, though the majority of Txs were free. Interdasting.


Thorswap acquisition campaign retro here.

  • no fee volume not even 25% on the biggest week, which is rad.
  • we pulled basically 10 salmon addresses that would be great target customers (using that blaze tool to try and get in touch)
  • we need to know our target customers (their community, and how to get in front of them) better upfront. Especially with clearer messaging and comms.
  • probably run a discount program for a lot shorter time. (attention spans pretty scattered)

The sweeper/splitter spec is mocked for technical discovery, looking like it’s gonna be sidequest shipping season in 2025.

We got our wallet UX mocked and discussed. We’ll have a spike with devs on the derivation paths and advanced address management to get that on deck. The key topic is which type of wallet index at load time will we display? Amongst other shenanigans.

Spec updates:

  • Spec Ratio is at: 36/10 (3.6)


In progress

Other feature process:

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