SCP 188- 2025 Jan-Dec Moderation Workstream Renewal

2025 Jan-Dec Moderation Workstream Renewal


The Community Moderation Workstream is primarily responsible to support the community and to maintain the integrity of all ShapeShift various platforms such as Discord, The Forum, Notion, snapshot, telegram and any/all others. Future platforms that the community chooses to implement also to be included. This workstream is used daily to ensure the smooth operation of the ShapeShift DAO.

This proposal is to renew the Moderation Workstream, re-elect Giantkin as leader and fund the workstream through the end of DEC 2025.

Total Ask is $11750/month. (unchanged contrib payout, but adding in the forum cost)
– Includes Add on $100/month and up $50/month add on eventually (pageviews) for forum. Added on Anniversary month, or as needed. ($50/month is not yet needed, but its close)

Normal USDC monthly is $6110 (depending on Fox choice) some of which is for licenses/botspends/forum any unused per term, , roll over to next Term (stays in Moderation subtreasury until dissolved, bountied, or too large - then revert to Treasury.


During the proposal run, if at any time Moderation lead needs to leave (or be asked to leave)

the Leaders group can force vote out the Moderation lead (or put leader on hold). No other method. (voluntary step down, and hand off being ideal)

  • Temp position given to other mod members, number 2 first would be put in ‘charge’ until lead returns, or a new lead is voted in.
  • Hiring/firing is solely based on the Moderation leads decision. Based on discussions, Total amount for proposal will be listed, without breakdown, in proposal.


Moderation supports all workstreams and all users within each of the platforms it moderates. As we bring more members into the various platforms, moderators act as so much more than bot managers and spam blockers. Not only do the moderators set up the verification process, they are the point of contact for members having issues with the verification process. They function as the greeters of the DAO, if you will. Our team of moderators clears the path for new members, new contributors and new supporters by facilitating a fluid user experience. Enthusiastic about all things defi and crypto, empowering community members, new and old alike, on their journey to self-empowered entrepreneurism.


The mission of this workstream is simple: to help people. Moderation is the workstream you never knew you needed, but couldn’t live without. From welcoming new users to setting up calls to managing bots. Moderation is here to support the community. This workstream strives to create a space that fosters security, growth and innovation.

Our team of trustworthy, confident and enthusiastic moderators allows for decentralization of community moderation. This may address the point of preventing accusations of vested interest, since only elected mods have the power to preserve and maintain the DAO culture.

As the workstream leader, I want to make the user feel like they are able to relax. Users are most likely talking from their home space, home usually means they feel safe. I want to keep that feeling in our group.


Moderators take on wide variety of tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Organize user flow via roles, channels and bots
  • Create and maintain scheduled events in sesh & Discord
  • Provide protection from scammers
  • Warn abusers (strike system established by Giantkin)
  • Providing basic Discord support
  • Facilitating ‘temps’ for a job, for example, providing the DJ with a role for the event
  • Help maintain and update server images such as avatars, stickers, emojis, etc.
  • Provide security support (live when possible) for meetings and community events
  • Drive users to the proper channels
  • Continually monitoring channels, and other server banlists for potential spam/scammers and adding them into our banlist
  • Taking part in Support/Ops triage process by shuttling members requesting support to the proper channels, connecting with self help resources, #support,chatwoot, etc as appropriate
  • Appropriate use of Admin Power by Moderation Workstream Leader
  • Work with Admins to facilitate bots/webhooks/roles/channels/categories -servers/platforms etc
  • Enforce the Current Code of Conduct to the best of ability, with positive intent.

What are the goals of this workstream?

  • Provide 12 hour moderation coverage to ShapeShift DAO’s community channels, with the eventual goal to provide 24 hour coverage
  • Proactively ban 90% of scammers/bots that try to sneak into ShapeShift discord
  • Ensure that all community meetings are scheduled on the calendar
  • The Moderation Workstream is successful when you don’t notice that it’s there.

Other items not included but taken on

  • Monthly Foxpayout for contributors: maintain and update sheet monthly. Facilitate payout for WS and other groups, as needed/requested : remind WSleaders to update contributors Choice(s), and update their tab. Work with Multisig to get things done as timely as possible. -update the fox price on a set schedule/method.
  • Forum Payment is now under Moderation.
  • audio record primary meetings - office hours
  • Colony overseer
    *Telegram over watch


  • Keeps the discord clear of spammers
  • Limits the Scammers on server


  • Growing member list, growing expense.

Snapshot IDEATION posted.

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Looks great! Thanks for proposing this renewals and thanks to all the Moderation Workstream contributors for their work during the past term(s), you are really doing a great job!

(You’ve got just one minor formatting issue near that part:


Have you ever considered sharing the breakdown of the budget by contributor/position in a spreadsheet like other Workstreams, just for the sake of transparency/readability?
I don’t think it’s a requirement but as soon as there’s more than 1 contributor I find it useful to get an idea of resource allocations and better visibility. Obviously it’s up to you to do it or not, past proposals didn’t need it to pass.



Was discussed to bring up 12 m Workstreams officially.

I am the first to trial


GK i DMed you earlier, but as a follow up i think this proposal needs significant work before just plowing on with a whole years budget.

Are you saying that the forum is almost costing $50 a month and you are earmarking the budget?

What is the part about:

$100 a year?

confusing a straightforward expense.

can you provide a spreadsheet of these costs? Specifically botspend and the forum is not very clear from this paragraph.

and december 2023 to december 2024? what achievements?

I don’t think this is in scope. Partners should probably manage their own communities, no?

oops. good catch
Was $300/month, now its
its $100/month and the page view is $50/month

we are close on pageviews. im holding off on that part until we actually need it.

Cleaned up some wordage in that next paragraph. seems i cut an pasted weirdly.

not in/out of scope. just what i did. didnt affect anything.
Snapshot posted

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This could get awkward , this ends just before i leave on my trip.
remote work for 1.5-2weeks…