Engineering Workstream Monthly Update - Aug 2024


  • The engineering team has completed work on the rFOX cli tooling, demonstrated and trained the DFC on its usage and published the accounting for Epoch #0 of rFOX rewards with the multisig signers planning to complete the distribution on Aug 15th.
  • On July 25th we added the ability for Thorchain LPers to withdraw asymmetrically and enhanced the UX for adding to an existing LP position
  • On July 29th we launched support for custom tokens to be imported into the app for swapping


  • On July 11th, we received another security disclosure through HackenProof pointing out that our application would render potentially malicious links that were included in the description of NFTs in our application. Since these links were rendered inside our application they could have presented an opportunity for users to be fooled into interacting with malicious content thinking it was a part of our application. After discussions with HackenProof we have awarded the security researcher $500 for the report and patched the issue to disable rendering hyperlinks from NFTs.
  • Our tentative fix to stabilize our Gnosis Blockbook instances had proved unsuccessful. After removing ERC1155 tokens from the indexing we are still unable to catch up to the current block height. We have deprioritized a second attempt to solve the problem to focus on the upcoming Thorchain hard fork scheduled for early august.

Last Month

We focused on three main user facing features this month: integrating Portals into the swapper, advanced thorchain LP functionality, and the ability for a user to import and swap a custom token. Portals greatly expands the universe of assets that are accessible on our platform and importantly allows users a single swap into thousands of more complex DeFi positions. By the end of July, we will complete development work for Portals and then work with Operations to roll out this new feature in early August. For Thorchain LPers, we released two user-requested features in the last week of July. LPers can now asymmetrically withdraw assets when closing their LP positions and LPers who are looking to add to their positions now have a much better user experience that explains the possible paths based on their existing LP configuration. Lastly, swappers can now import a custom token by address into the application. This will work with any token that has available swap routes and includes best effort market rates and telemetry via mixpanel to help us better understand if we should add native support for assets that are frequently imported.

Additionally, the team made a handful of smaller improvements to the application. We added rFOX as an”earn” opportunity to increase its discoverability, enabled CowSwap for arbitrum (and fixed a bug preventing CowSwap from working on Gnosis), and added redundancy to our asset icons to account for ongoing coincap maintenance. Engineers completed the rFOX cli tooling and trained the DAO’s DFC committee on its use. The rFOX dashboard in the web app was updated to use the latest IPFS data structures produced by the CLI tool. We also fixed a number of defects throughout the month. Most notably was resolving long standing issues with our USDT approval flow in which USDT on ethereum mainnet requires resetting an approval to 0 before modifying it. The approval logic in the swapper was also upgraded to use common hooks and queries, improving and fixing a handful of small bugs and edge cases. We also remedied an error in which a fresh wallet that traded via Thorchain would cause an app reboot and fixed issues on mobile devices where users were prompted incorrectly for a password however the mobile app uses biometrics or pin based authentication.

On the infrastructure side, we cut over optimism to NowNodes and have scaled down to a single replica in prod for fallback.

This Month

In august we will focus on releasing 2 new integrations into the swapper, the Arbitrum Bridge and Portals. This will include the final development work and coordinating with operations for testing prior to roll out. In the Thorchain ecosystem, we plan to release support for the new Rune pools which offer single sided staking for Rune early in the month. We have a large backlog of bugs that we plan to address after the many recent feature launches and then will shift focus to collaborating with product on a potential Solana integration and continue conversations on better Safe wallet support.

In anticipation of the Thorchain hardfork tentatively scheduled for August 15th, we will take on work to ensure that we can display a seamless transaction history across the new and legacy chains and that our application will handle the planned downed time to the chain in a graceful manner. The team will be operating at slightly reduced capacity for the month with some additional vacations and conference attendance.