BOUNTY: 25K FOX for the direct implementation of the Cosmos/IBC Auto-Compound Tool on ShapeShift App by July 1st

  • As many are aware, ShapeShift currently has four active validators on Cosmos – ATOM, OSMOS, JUNO, and UMEE. Unfortunately at the time of writing, we have ATOM and (soon?) OSMOS support on the platform, but no Juno or Umee. As much as I want to move forward with this, for obvious reasons I am a bit hesitant until all our validator sets would be supported on the ShapeShift platform.

    Would like to gauge from the community on whether to proceed or not:

    Continue without Juno and Umee Support

  • Hold off until Juno and Umee is Supported

0 voters

I think better to proceed and simply add the others as they come online personally.

That would be ideal, but it complicates the scope of work and timelines quite a bit… I’m willing to wing it and just DAO it, but not sure how the deadlines and future development timeline and compensation would work. If engineering is willing to take responsibility of all future cosmos chains, then sure, but I’m curious as to what their thoughts are regarding all this.
