Moderation Workstream Renewal Initial outline

if you see a post with a 'STAR" lit up, thats showing you are subscribed

let me find the option for overall forum onesec

ok, at the home page, goto the top and you see ‘all cats’ latest and Subscribed. that shows all the ones you are currently subscribed to and get notifications for.

crap. wrong section. sorry. ill try to move this

You have to be kidding me. Login issue? Really… Lemme try my phone again, NOPE. I know the issue, and it isn’t a login issue.

Found some more information on our customer-facing paid moderator. Not posting the community, but you don’t need to be Dick Tracy to find this stuff from her previous employment.


I honestly think I was treated pretty well now… Still perma’d tho

Theres a difference then my unaccessible KK and the money invested into discord boosts on the server. Not sure how you get these confused. You have the boost active, and so does she, leave the discord and come back. No biggie right .

i dont think thats relevant. (or bad?) but for your login. yes, i think its your end. somethings wrong. you able to do a video of it and share it?

i can try to reban you and unban

might shake it loose

Replies stopped showing. Again kk you would log in on kk at

gonna recheck again your not in server, then ill try to ban and unban see if it shows. onemin

ok try maybe different device.


youre right giantkin that interaction is perfectly acceptable

Had to ban user for continued attacks. (posted in another topic) i hate giving up, but felt user wasnt trying. :frowning:

This is disturbing

did you delete user posts too?

no i left them. i was hoping to be able to move them into another channel, but that didnt work out. (i also tagged you in another channel/post) not sure that worked either?

Very disturbing. Hopefully they can figure out whats wrong on their end without assistance.

whoah, what we got against poop singing?! if its good enough for american tv, its good enough for me.

Hey Dopefish, listen here please…

You posted 5 messages for the entirity of 2022 prior to this one. I can NOT count the number of FAKE uniswap airdrop posts we have seen like that. You clearly posted “” but tried to be slick by not making it a link.

To me that looks like a scam message and makes me not want to go to the link based on your history.

A) uniswap airdrop (red flag)

B) chopped up link (red flag)

C) get free USDC (major red flag)

  • Combined with

D) lack of message substance for the year

After investigation you were unbanned.

If you can not understand why you got immediately banned I do not know what to tell you.

Our first regard is the safety of our users, ALWAYS. You were unbanned, apologized to, then started to return with a poor attitude.

Here is your 2nd proof you claim does not exist. I apologized, you called me disgusting on your alternate account. For full transperancy you opened the ticket and closed it immediately after calling me disgusting. It was uncalled for no matter how light you consider calling someone disgusting.


Here is your THIRD proof of only 5 messages for the entire year.

You came in with a KeepKey issue in 2021 and then your substance for 2022 was subpar/null.

I never said “The bot banned you.” I did not lie, I banned you. Multiple mods and a bot flagged your post I saw it and hit auto eject based on everything mentioned above. No where did I “brag about it.” We then investigated in a safe sandbox and reversed the ban. End of story.

I’m sorry again but cool off dude. You’re at the point of being malacious by digging posts that are over a year old from an inactive reddit on a dead project, prior to any affiliation I had to shapeshift. It is zero refelection on my year of being in the Moderation Workstream here.

interesting perspective