Hello Fellow Foxes!
StakingRewards.com reached out to the DAO through the press email address listed on our press releases. Over the past week, the Marketing Workstream had a call with them to gather information, and I believe that it deserves full DAO consideration. They have agreed to join our discord for an AMA as well in order for the community to ask questions as desired.
StakingRewards.com is a website where projects are listed as opportunities for hodlers to put their digital assets to work. They have proposed working together, and due to its cost and ongoing payments (a per year fee), a fuller community discussion is welcomed.
Please make sure to click the above link, as it also has 2 case studies supplied by stakingrewards for consideration.
Thank you for sharing your time with us today! It’s remarkable what you’re building, it’s great to see such a genuine community-led project succeed, congratulations on what you’ve accomplished so far!
After analyzing your needs we came to a preliminary quote as a starting point.
We discussed primarily 1) Provider integration (meaning driving traffic to your vaults) and 2) $FOX Asset integration altogether with your validators (ETA 60 days).
What we would propose to meet your needs while bringing the most value would be:
Package 1:
- $FOX Asset integration - Standard package ($FOX + validator list)
Asset integration
- Public Profile
- In-Depth FAQ’s
- Real-time Metrics & Calculations
- Integration Announcement
- Advanced Reward Calculator
- Calculator Widget
- Telegram Support
- Maintenance & Updates
- Validators
- Validator On-chain Data
- Validator Maintenance & Updates
- Written Interview with Shapeshift Team
- Written Shapeshift Tutorial
Cost: $35,000 One Time Fee + $25,000 per year for 4 years
Total: $135,000 over 5 years
Package 2:
- Provider integration - Pro package (customized marketing & advertising for your vaults for maximum exposure)
Vault integration
- Public Profile
- In-Depth FAQ’s
- Real-time Metrics & Calculations
- Integration Announcement
- Advanced Reward Calculator
- Calculator Widget
- Telegram Support
- Maintenance & Updates
- Profiles for Vaults Displaying On-chain Data
- Vault Maintenance & Updates
- Written Interview with your Team
- Written Tutorial
- In-depth Research Article
- Sponsored Newsletter Edition
- Video Interview with your Team
- Video Tutorial
Cost: $50,000 One Time Fee + $35,000 per year for 4 years
Total: $190,000 over 5 years
If we choose to go with both packages, we earn a 5 year discount of -20%
Total = $260,000 or $52,000 per year
As additional context for consideration, I asked the StakingRewards team if they had any data that could show that a listing on stakingrewards.com directly led to additional beneficial actions for the project. They indicated that they do not have metrics around that, and won’t be able to track metrics like that until later in their product roadmap.
Looking forward to a discussion around this!