For FOXes Consideration:

Hello Fellow Foxes! reached out to the DAO through the press email address listed on our press releases. Over the past week, the Marketing Workstream had a call with them to gather information, and I believe that it deserves full DAO consideration. They have agreed to join our discord for an AMA as well in order for the community to ask questions as desired. is a website where projects are listed as opportunities for hodlers to put their digital assets to work. They have proposed working together, and due to its cost and ongoing payments (a per year fee), a fuller community discussion is welcomed.

Here is the text from a shared document that the StakingRewards team and the Marketing Workstream have used to gather information.

Please make sure to click the above link, as it also has 2 case studies supplied by stakingrewards for consideration.

Thank you for sharing your time with us today! It’s remarkable what you’re building, it’s great to see such a genuine community-led project succeed, congratulations on what you’ve accomplished so far!

After analyzing your needs we came to a preliminary quote as a starting point.

We discussed primarily 1) Provider integration (meaning driving traffic to your vaults) and 2) $FOX Asset integration altogether with your validators (ETA 60 days).

What we would propose to meet your needs while bringing the most value would be:

Package 1:

  • $FOX Asset integration - Standard package ($FOX + validator list)

    Asset integration

  • Public Profile
  • In-Depth FAQ’s
  • Real-time Metrics & Calculations
  • Integration Announcement
  • Advanced Reward Calculator
  • Calculator Widget
  • Telegram Support
  • Maintenance & Updates
  • Validators
  • Validator On-chain Data
  • Validator Maintenance & Updates
  • Written Interview with Shapeshift Team
  • Written Shapeshift Tutorial

Cost: $35,000 One Time Fee + $25,000 per year for 4 years

Total: $135,000 over 5 years

Package 2:

  • Provider integration - Pro package (customized marketing & advertising for your vaults for maximum exposure)

    Vault integration

  • Public Profile
  • In-Depth FAQ’s
  • Real-time Metrics & Calculations
  • Integration Announcement
  • Advanced Reward Calculator
  • Calculator Widget
  • Telegram Support
  • Maintenance & Updates
  • Profiles for Vaults Displaying On-chain Data
  • Vault Maintenance & Updates
  • Written Interview with your Team
  • Written Tutorial
  • In-depth Research Article
  • Sponsored Newsletter Edition
  • Video Interview with your Team
  • Video Tutorial

Cost: $50,000 One Time Fee + $35,000 per year for 4 years

Total: $190,000 over 5 years

If we choose to go with both packages, we earn a 5 year discount of -20%

Total = $260,000 or $52,000 per year

As additional context for consideration, I asked the StakingRewards team if they had any data that could show that a listing on directly led to additional beneficial actions for the project. They indicated that they do not have metrics around that, and won’t be able to track metrics like that until later in their product roadmap.

Looking forward to a discussion around this!

gm , thanks for getting this discussion started. here are my initial thoughts: I think a partnership with to drive traffic to ShapeShift’s Earn page could be very beneficial for both parties, especially once we have support for not only Yearn vaults, but for staking on Cosmos and a growing number of zones.

I’m a bit confused about what these current offers are for though.

Is the first package for FOXChain? If so, we’re a ways away from this, but even once FOXChain does launch I don’t think we should need to pay for listing. Did Cosmos pay to get listed? Did Terra? should be self-interested in adding FOXChain without us having to pay $135k imo. I feel similarly about FOXy.

For the second package, what does “Vault integration” mean? Does this mean they will display our Yearn vaults on pages like Dai (DAI) Interest Calculator and Current Rates | Staking Rewards? That would be pretty cool, but I’m also not sure how beneficial that would be considering that Yearn vaults are already listed. I do think it would be pretty valuable once the DAO is incentivizing deposits with FOX rewards if StakingRewards can include this as this would enable us to display a higher APR than Yearn for the same vaults. Another important q: would this include future vaults that we launch? Will it include other staking opportunities beyond vaults?

Overall I think there is a viable partnership opportunity here, but I’m not yet convinced that either of the currently proposed packages would be a good fit. If the second package is not only for the Yearn vaults we currently support, but also includes a commitment to add other vaults and ideally other staking opportunities beyond vaults that both we and StakingRewards support (ie. Cosmos staking), I think the second package would be more compelling.

Hey - I’m largely in agreement with here, I’m struggling to see the value.

GM FOX community! Thanks a lot for considering and discussing the proposal!

Please take a look at our updated proposal. For clarification purposes:

Asset integration= $FOX token

Provider integration = Shapeshift platform opportunities for yield


Summary - This proposal would accomplish the following: Integration of Shapeshift Earn and $FOX with the leading staking & CeDeFi analytics platform. Shapeshift would get a public $FOX profile including all validators. In addition, Shapeshift earn would be included for borrowing/lending/farming analytics. A successful integration would make Shapeshift data accessible to regular investors as well as crypto banks, brokerages, and other partners. The goal would be to increase the exposure to Earn Vaults, and improve metrics such as Staked Value, Engaged balance, Number of unique Stakers in the long term.

Abstract - Stakingrewards is a core data infrastructure provider for investors and institutions interested in staking analytics and research. has roughly 8m page views and over 450k unique users per month who are looking for staking opportunities. In addition to staking, it serves as a decision-making tool for yield opportunities in CeFi and DeFi. The goal of the integration is to increase awareness of Shapeshift yield opportunities and get more exposure for $FOX & its validator ecosystem.


a) $FOX Asset integration - Standard package ($FOX + validator list)

Public Profile

In-Depth FAQ’s

Real-time Metrics & Calculations

Integration Announcement on Twitter

Advanced Reward Calculator

Calculator Widget

Telegram Support

Maintenance & Updates

Validator On-chain Data, maintenance, updates


b) Provider integration

Vault integration

Public Profile

In-Depth FAQ’s

Real-time Metrics & Calculations

Integration Announcement

Advanced Reward Calculator

Calculator Widget

Telegram Support

Maintenance & Updates

Profiles for Vaults Displaying On-chain Data

Vault Maintenance & Updates

= 17.000€

In addition, I can provide you with some growth metrics that we have contributed to for a client of ours:

● Since integration on Staking Rewards in Oct 2020, staking participation has increased from 7.8K to 136K (17x)

● Staked % of Elrond increased from 36% to 55%

● Engaged balance increased from 5.17M to 11.33M (2x)

● Events on page - 1.59M

● Pageviews - 650,171

● Unique users - 71,909

● Average time spent on profile - 1m 18s


It is perfectly understandable that you don’t see any value in the #1 staking analytics platform - maybe because you’re not a friend of independent data. There are 8m page visitors & 450k unique users per month that do enjoy our data analytics services.

I encourage your community to decide whether they want FOX to be on the #1 staking info hub and data analytics platform OR not be included in our data infrastructure service used by crypto banks, exchanges, custodians, and other partners that enjoy getting scammed or spammed by Stakingrewards on a regular basis.

Please let me know whether you would like a second walkthrough of our platform where we would go over the benefits of the integration for the second time. For reference, you can always take a look at our Private TG group chat where we provided you with the Integration kit 2022 and multiple case studies for you to make a data-driven decision.

I don’t think this is a scam . has great SEO and a lot of website traffic from users in our target market. I’m sure there is a mutually beneficial deal that can be worked out here.

can you please respond to these questions?

Is the first package for FOXChain? I’m confused by the reference to validators.

Will the second package cover all future additions to our Earn page including for example Cosmos staking, or just the current list of Yearn vaults? And does this mean our opportunities will show up in the table on each respective assets page? Where exactly would our vaults show up? The offer is much more compelling if it covers all future single-sided staking opportunities that we add.

Simply put we have two integration types on our platform, as I’ve outlined in the proposal already

a) Asset integration: Digital Asset Ranking, Yields and Dividends | Staking Rewards

  • This is only for $FOX token. Please click on any asset and check how that looks like. There are 3 different integration types:

    Basic (for simple smart-contract staking)

  • Standard (for validator ecosystem staking)
  • Pro (for high-growth or tier 1 ecosystems)

b) Provider integration: Staking Provider Ranking and List | Staking Rewards

  • Earn vaults (current + all future additions)

  • Shapeshift wallet

Ok got it, thanks for clarifying. We’re launching FOXy, the yield bearing version of FOX where FOX can be staked in a few weeks pending an in-progress audit, and the basic asset integration could make sense for this. In the future when we launch FOXChain, the standard asset integration could also make sense. Here is the test contract FOX Yield (FOXy) Token Tracker | Etherscan

It could be great to time this with the FOXy launch. The 35000 Euro is a one-time fee that gets us the basic asset integration for life, correct?

Also great to hear that the provider integration will cover both current and future vaults. Can you clarify whether it will also include other single-asset staking opportunities we plan to offer soon beyond vaults, such as lending protocols and cosmos staking?

Also, is the 17000 Euro a one-time fee for life?

Would you guys be open to USDC sablier streams so the DAO can have confidence that stakingrewards will uphold its promise?

discourse-post-upload20231125-65354-2jy0i5.png 1screamplease:

This proposal would accomplish the following: Integration of Shapeshift Earn and $FOX with the leading staking & CeDeFi analytics platform. Shapeshift would get a public $FOX profile including all validators.

As the leading staking analytics platform, could you give us analytics on where you are backing up this statement from? Do you have a comparison to your competitors on click throughs and visits that you could share with us?

  • We shared with you an Asset profile with the following metrics:

    Total Events - 1.59m

  • Pageviews - 650,171
  • Unique users - 71,909
  • Average time spent on profile - 1m 18s
  • We shared with you a Provider profile with the following metrics:

    Provider Page Views 29,968

  • Review Article Page Views 1,000
  • User Increase over last 90 days - 177K to 205K
  • We shared with you an Ad case study with the following metrics:

    2,456,140 Impressions with 0.28% CTR

  • 1,297,920 Impressions with 1.6% CTR

Please share your calculations below of the a) estimated ROI and b) the risk of the investment based on the data provided. I’ll be glad to revisit this topic to help you make a data-driven decision.

re: the fees are per annum and the price decreases based on the duration of the contract.

re: we can accept USDC/USDT or $FOX + risk premium.

If you have any specific questions, you can post them in our private TG group chat where our decision-makers can answer directly.

This conversation here is for our community members to be able to better make a decision regarding this potential proposal. So, in the interest of informing fellow foxes, a further discussion in your telegram group likely wouldn’t prove to provide any value to our community here.

In regards to the stats, I am asking if you can compare vs others since you seemingly have those metrics because you have called yourselves the leading staking and CeDeFi analytics platform. I am making an assumption that leading means you are ahead of someone or something else in this context. What does offer that a competitor of theirs doesn’t?

The competitor analysis would be relevant for a VC pitch but we are discussing $FOX Asset and Provider integration. I can assure that a diligent competitor analysis was made before we have been backed by Digital Currency Group, Galaxy Digital, and CoinShares - the leading VCs.

re: What makes us leading is 150+ proprietary data endpoints and unique research capabilities - but that’s a discussiong for a raise round as mentioned. For now, can you share the calculations for 1) and 2) and (optionally) 3) for the fox community so that they can make a data-driven decision?

I’d be glad to be involved in the fox community but there is a limit to the questions that I can answer without being biased towards Stakingrewards (re: competitor analysis). I ask for your understanding.

Is there any way to measure the traffic coming from to FOX vaults?

The upfront costs seem steep. As does the 5 year term. Who knows who the leading staking and analytics provider will be one year from now, let along 5 years from now.

I’d like to see build out Package 1 (for free) and demonstrate traffic flow to FOX, and then talk about additional marketing and advertising packages.

  1. Please take a look at the UPDATED proposal (you are referring to the OLD one). For reference, I have Reposted the updated proposal down below.

    Asset integration ($FOX + Validators)= 35.000€

  2. Provider integration (Shapeshift Wallet and Vault data) = 17.000€

You would be paying >0.1€ Cost per view based on the below assumptions:

(Asset & Vault integration cost = 52k) / (500k Views per year) = €0.1 Cost per view.

Keep in mind that our users are the exact target market looking to participate in your staking ecosystem making them a more valuable user.

*Our CTR is in the upper range, reaching almost Twitter levels (~2%) based on publicly available data.

*Website remake is coming in ~May, where we expect significant improvements.


P R O P O S A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N:

a) $FOX Asset integration - Standard package ($FOX + validator list)

Public Profile

In-Depth FAQ’s

Real-time Metrics & Calculations

Integration Announcement on Twitter

Advanced Reward Calculator

Calculator Widget

Telegram Support

Maintenance & Updates

Validator On-chain Data, maintenance, updates


b) Provider integration

Vault integration

Public Profile

In-Depth FAQ’s

Real-time Metrics & Calculations

Integration Announcement

Advanced Reward Calculator

Calculator Widget

Telegram Support

Maintenance & Updates

Profiles for Vaults Displaying On-chain Data

Vault Maintenance & Updates

= 17.000€


Summary - This proposal would accomplish the following: Integration of Shapeshift Earn and $FOX with the leading staking & CeDeFi analytics platform. Shapeshift would get a public $FOX profile including all validators. In addition, Shapeshift earn would be included for borrowing/lending/farming analytics. A successful integration would make Shapeshift data accessible to regular investors as well as crypto banks, brokerages, and other partners. The goal would be to increase the exposure to Earn Vaults, and improve metrics such as Staked Value, Engaged balance, Number of unique Stakers in the long term.

Abstract - Stakingrewards is a core data infrastructure provider for investors and institutions interested in staking analytics and research. has roughly 8m pageviews and over 450k unique users per month who are looking for staking opportunities. In addition to staking, it serves as a decision-making tool for yield opportunities in CeFi and DeFi. The goal of the integration is to increase awareness of Shapeshift yield opportunities and get more exposure for $FOX & its validator ecosystem.

Please take a look at the Proposal. Looking forward to your data driven feedback and comments!