[Ideation] SCP-152: Extend ShapeShift DAO with EIP-4824

That error was corrected earlier today as far as I can see. You can (should) keep SCP-152, since that’s what Ideation was mostly debated under.

This has moved to Snapshot voting. (posted by gk for amanwithwings) https://snapshot.org/#/shapeshiftdao.eth/proposal/0xa0961a1710084fa076d2f774dade6fcede92941d0f12d5c3eac0aaeaa6e6a059

hey friends, only about 24 hours left to vote on the above Snapshot. Please do check it out and make sure your voice is heard! We are building an important piece of public infrastructure for DAOs with EIP-4824 and it would be great to have your support :slight_smile:

I’ve voted yesterday, but as recommended earlier you really should have set a longer time than 5 days for this… not only was there a weekend but this start of the week is pretty busy with Permissionless, so some of the usual large voters might be a bit distracted :sweat:

Yeah that wasn’t the best decision on my end:( @Fireb0mb1, any chance we can get their attention? I’m open to mentioning them here or on the Discord.

Sure, I’ve already asked few people directly. Worth noting too that if it doesn’t reach Quorum it could still pass with soft quorum:

Soft Quorum: For votes that do not reach Quorum, assume that 70% of the votes necessary to achieve quorum would be against the proposal. If this would still result in a majority of votes being in favor of the proposal, the proposal can be considered passed. See Soft Quorum Calculator

But hopefully it reaches quorum and a majority, so we don’t have to get our calculators out :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So, its… yes, with changes. So have to figure out what the changes are desired? not sure if they posted what they were thinking etc.


@Giantkin , forgive me if I missed anything but I think most yes, with changes votes were for deciding on a manager. People also wanted to decentralize the storage of the daoURI. We addressed both these concerns in the proposal that went to Snapshot.

Yeah, I think most people seemed to be in agreement that a simple record, with no manager yet and the ability for Signers to designate one at a latter time would work. And that’s the text of the Final Vote for SCP-152, so I’ve voted yes personally :smiley:

oh. the forum was popping up updates, so i forgot its in snapshot. lol.

The proposal has successfully passed! Thank you to everyone who engaged with this thread and provided invaluable feedback. Looking forward to seeing ShapeShift’s daoURI on-chain soon.