?️Proposal template and instructions

Boardroom’s Ideation feature is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is offline. In the meantime, please post draft proposals in this category instead.

This post will walk through a proposed format for making a governance proposal on ShapeShift. When you’re ready to submit your proposal, head to Boardroom, connect your wallet, and click New Proposal.

SCP Format:

SCP # and Title - The title for your proposal should be clear, relevant, and consistent across the forum, ideation, and SnapShot proposal. Proposal titles in the Ideation and SnapShot stage must begin with “SCP#”, where the # for your proposal is 1 more than the # for the most recent ideation post (ie. SCP11: [Proposal title]

  1. ).


  1. - 2-3 sentences on what the proposal is and what changes are being suggested without going into deep detail.


  1. - Expanded summary introducing the proposal, what it entails and details around what would change should the proposal be implemented.


  1. - Describe the motivation behind the proposal, the problem(s) it solves and the value it adds. This is your chance to show why this proposal is necessary, and how the changes would benefit ShapeShift if implemented.


  1. - Describe the “meat & potatoes” of the proposal. Go into deep detail around the changes that will happen both on a technical and social level. The more detail, the better.


  1. - Point out core benefits of the proposal implementation and how it will affect the system.


  1. - Highlight any drawbacks from implementing the proposal and points to consider regarding the upgrade.


  1. - Clearly outline what voting “for” and “against” entails. Community members will be able to vote yes or no directly on your proposal to gauge support before an official proposal is submitted on SnapShot.

When mapping out a vote, remember the following:

For - Formalizes the community is “for” the details outlined in this proposal including xyz…

Against - Formalizes the community is “against” the proposal including xyz…

Remember to include “For, with changes” as a voting choice during the ideation phase. Do not include this option in the official voting phase.

For questions, comments or concerns on any of the above, please comment below or join the ShapeShift Discord !

I propose, we add a TLDR for lazy people, myself included.

It would be helpful to just quickly glance over the general concept of the proposal before diving all the way in.





FOX Governance Process (for current up to date Template)