Proposal Details
This is intended as an additional forum post that will help discuss and open additional communication on the Unification Workstream Proposal.
Reasoning for this proposal
I identify and can envision the importance and uniqueness of what the ShapeShift DAO is working to accomplish. In a broad sense taking an existing company intentionally decentralizing (deconstructing) all the pieces and then creating new highly adaptable and modular pieces and loosely coupling these to form a new DAO. Speaking as one voice in a growing community, and allowing that it takes time and effort to congeal any newly established structure. I have found myself looking at opportunities that may best suit needs not always readily identified or often overlooked to the detriment to the overall stated goals of the ShapeShift DAO. I understand that focusing on the immediate has value and correlated need, but also knowing through experience mid to long term vision or anticipation can also bring great value and reward. After spending more time, reading and getting to know the community better, certain patterns have given me some time to reflect on plausible community needs. With my background and desire to work with the DAO I am putting forth this proposal to the ShapeShift DAO
SoW work flow
Work is determined through availability of resources, the layout of milestones and articles in the SoW are non linear, if resources have met the needed requirements then milestones in multiple articles can run concurrently in the same timelines working to reach the stated terms of completion.
Additional recurring paid workstream roles
For this current proposal timeline I do not envision needing any additional fox token compensated WorkStream members. The workstream will work to prioritize and provide bounties as supplemental resources in accomplishing milestone tasks. That said I can envision members as “volunteers” who may be representatives of other community groups. Some DAO members may have limitations on taking any monetary compensation for participation.
The following current items will be offered to the DAO as part of the discussion and consideration of this proposal and should be determined and disclosed for each of the subsequent amendments to the continuation of the workstream.
Milestone disclosure, all milestones will be listed with the details of successful terms of completion. These terms are predetermined and can consist of specific task completion, time spent accomplishing ongoing complex tasks, recurring tasks, or any combination of these actions. The primary point is to have the terms preapproved and identified for consensus. Upon any completion or conclusion of a milestone the resulting release of funds are triggered and distributed. If the stated terms of completion are not satisfied funds are not released and the milestone may have to be revisited, reevaluated, and possibly revised for approval.
Budget disclosure, being a result or achievement driven model, parcial funds requested from the prior milestone will be appropriated to beginning and advancing the next milestone. Any determined excesses will be returned to the DAO upon completion of a milestone. Shortages will require additional amendments to be passed through the DAO voting procedures.
Timetable disclosure, estimate of foreseeable and achievable timelines to when specific goals or tasks will take place and for how long. Timetables can coincide when determined and necessary resources are in place, therefore working in parallel with additional articles listed in the SoW
Tools/resources disclosure, An initial audit of tools/resources that will be needed and used to help ensure that the milestone is completed as intended.
Bounty disclosure, determination will be made through cost benefits and weighing current available milestone resources. Additional weight will be placed on the ability to effectively and efficiently translate into a viable bounty. Once a determination has been made, any information on plausible bounty activities or opportunities will be contained in the individual milestone.
As with milestone completion, bounties will have clear predetermined terms and verifiable conclusions before fund disbursement is activated
SoW Budgets
The overall budget disclosure that is detailed in an accompanying spreadsheet contains both the projected and will track the actual milestone disbursements. All pre-determined funds will be held until the terms of completion as listed in each milestone.
Funds will be held and distributed form Colony, This is a new process to myself and others so further details are forthcoming as to direct mechanisms and mechanics of how this will be handled and accomplished.
Currency fluctuations
This workstream is currently requesting all funds to be distributed in FOX, and in doing so has to address the price volatility and valuation changes that have direct impact on projected and actual budgets. While open to suggestions on handling, I am currently working on an idea of one possible solution that will minimize colony transactions and maximize the effective use of Colony’s current and future built in capabilities.
Recurring community meetings
- I can envision a few different mediums and formats for discussions going forward, communication being one of the pillars of accomplishing this workstream’s mission. This workstream will continue to look for ways of establishing/building channels and increasing comfort levels of expressing ideas, conveying concerns, and participation in the DAO.
Discussion Panels
- How do I get involved in your workstream
- ShapeShift foundation updates
- Community member spotlight
- State of the DAO
- Open forums
- Community building with guest workstreams
- Workstream status updates
- Milestone reviews
- Community needs this in reference to resources and information around the stated mission of the Unification workstream.
- A yes vote is a means to
Establish and invoke a new workstream and SoW. This will be handled though following all accompanying provided details and documents.
- Will also make Neverwas the first workstream leader.
A no vote is a means to stop this workstream from being created.
For the sake of brevity I will include the full SoW In the attached link to a assets folder. I will begin to share ideations of drafts moving forward. Additional detail and discussion will be amended as the process continues.