Draft of Fox Burn changes Feb 2025

i dont have the thoughts on wordage.

*Example to corrupt from

Proposal Overview

This proposal introduces a Stop the Burn aspect. (more words with flowery speech here)

Benefits to ShapeShift FOX Ecosystem

  1. Stops hurting poor foxes
  2. Puts fox into future use case.
  3. the current burn isnt reported as a burn. so its a wasted exercise.

Mechanism in Detail

Instead of burn, we put the same number into a hedgy/sablier stream to the treasury, for 12months? 18? takes it out of circulating supply, but gives it back still.

so any token not in the Protected list, is cut in part or in full to be swapped for FOX, and then Locked.

Similar cuts as previous, but replacing the BURN aspect with this.

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ok. my rough, really badly written start of this proposal.

someone able to wordsmith this into something that sounds smart?

Why not turn it into DAO/protocol owned liquidity?

It would therefore benefit all FOX holders and (slowly) reduce our reliance continually on renting liquidity.

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so 50/50 fox/eth every month. would be great.

Regardless of what is voted on going forward the DAO should get the burn counted in both circulating and total supply calculations. That should just be a matter of submitting that info to coingecko and such sites?