Nomination of @Hpayne to become the new Marketing Workstream Leader


This proposal is an addendum to [SCP-99] and is a nomination of @Hpayne to become the full-time Marketing Workstream Leader and transition Tyler out of the Interim Marketing Workstream Leader position. The goal of this addendum is to acknowledge the goals and spirit of SCP-99, continue the success of the Marketing Workstream, and expand on its grassroots strategies for user growth and retention without disrupting the speed of the workstream’s development or structure and allow Tyler to return his cycles to the Operations Workstream as his sole DAO focus.


In accordance with SCP-99, Tyler is currently acting as the Interim Workstream Leader until a suitable candidate can be fielded and nominated to assume the full-time Workstream Leader position. Since the passing of SCP-99, The Marketing Workstream successfully pivoted its focus to areas of improvement around data collection, budget organization and resource accountability, refined and repeatable procedures and workflows, strategy funnels, and transparency and collaboration best practices, all through the mindfully restrictive lens of cost vs. impact, revenue generation, and successful austere strategies in the bearest of bear markets. These goals were developed and maintained while also redefining the workstream’s relationship to other workstreams in the DAO and to the overall Marketing strategy with heavy emphasis on engagement, tracking, and collaboration with Engineering, Product, and Operations to develop product based resources and tools for growth.


Getting the Marketing Workstream to the place it is now has required a lot of hard work and collaboration in thoughtful reconsiderations of previous priorities and budget spends, creative workflows, and a lot of slowing down/modifying/shutting down potential time and energy drains in workflow disguise. The team has proven via these methods that you don’t always have to spend money to make money, and in contrast, at a DAO being lean and efficient is truly the best way to provide scalable value. It was discovered that spending money on marketing resources (i.e. paid ads, influencers, etc) has less direct correlation to our engagement numbers than timely tweets, market conditions, or topical crypto events we can utilize in our lean content engine without additional spend.

Tyler has been splitting his time between the Operations and Marketing Workstreams. Over time it has proven that both of these jobs have enough responsibility and requirements for success that they cannot be held in tandem by one person without eventually holding back the potential success of one or both of the workstreams. The nomination of a new fulltime leader now while SCP-99 still has 2 months of budgeted funding allows a new Leader some time in the role before being required to draft up a new proposal for future funding of the Workstream.

The search for a new fulltime leader of the Workstream has proven to have a number of previously undefined drawbacks from the previous presentation of the search in SCP-99 that has led Tyler to prefer a hire from within; 1. The bear market and recent instability in the presentation of trust in the crypto market has made the position + DAO uncertainty even less appetizing to an outsider and may require additional compensation to qualified applicants the DAO is not interested in providing for the role. 2. Having a new external contributor requires a massive learning curve and blind buy-in in: organizational administration, restricted resources, lean DAO and DAO governance culture among other DAO common practices and could present a flight risk upon inheriting and being overwhelmed by the requirements of navigating success at the DAO. 3. A new leader requiring another ground-up rebuild of the Workstream’s strategy that could again cost time and money and be yet another reset on the clock of accountability in Marketing. 4. An outsider may require a longer observation and analysis period before feeling comfortable in executing strategies and could burn beyond what the DAO has allotted left in funding for the Marketing Workstream before being able to assert their influence or practices.

In response to those unforeseen additional complications to an additional new hire coming in at the top level to continue to steer the Marketing Workstream, Tyler found it best to avert those problems and nominate the position to a current contributor who can address any issues arisen with bringing a stranger in to such a high ranking and important role at such a pivotal time. The current Marketing Workstream has shown unanimous support and agreement in Tyler’s nomination of Hpayne to become the new full time leader.

Hpayne has proven with his diligence, passion, collaborative spirit, willingness to learn, obsession with data, and continually building body of work at the DAO in the processes and content he leads and orchestrates that he is more than capable of leading this Workstream to continued success and encouraging responsible growth, content, and acquisition strategies for the Marketing Workstream as it’s new full time leader. He has been a pleasure to work alongside since Tyler joined the workstream and has instilled the utmost confidence that he is more than capable of leading the DAO’s marketing efforts successfully.


This proposal addendum identifies Hpayne as the new full-time Marketing Workstream Leader. Tyler will transition all Workstream Leader responsibilities as outlined in [SCP-92] for the Marketing Workstream to Hpayne upon the passing of this nomination in proposal form. Upon a successful transition of roles, responsibilities, and permissions, Tyler will resume full focus back to the Operations Workstream Leader position as his sole contributing role at the DAO.

This proposal does not increase the current Marketing Workstream term which is budgeted through the end of January 2023. The Goals and KPIs of the Marketing Workstream are to be reassessed post DAO Pow Wow and presented to the community.


*New Budget pending light adjustments in splitting of Tyler’s salary to the current contributors.


This proposal allows the Marketing Workstream to identify a full-time Workstream Leader that has Marketing and DAO experience and context for the resources and requirements for success in this environment. This internal nomination allows the current workstream to build off of their current successes with no downtime or change in best practices.


An internal nomination further reduces the cycles available in a small team with @Hpayne taking on Leader responsibilities on top of his current role and may require additional resources or delegation to maintain obligations.

I support HPayne as the new Marketing Workstream Leader. Thanks to @TylerShapeShift for your temporary filling of the role.

I fully support HPayne in this new role! And a shout out to Tyler for all the work he’s done to lead the workstream in the interim.

As someone who has worked with Hpayne since his first day in the DAO, his enthusiasm hasn’t waivered and loves what he does. I also support Hpayne for this role!


probably need someone with experience leading this role

+1 in support of @Hpayne

Good to see you’re still complaining and using sock accounts to troll, Hunt!

If you were interested in making a post with valid substance, constructive criticism, or feedback that isn’t based on character attacks or one line insults, I think you might get some better discussions or engagement (and probably be taken more seriously).

Right now your post history suggests you’re still up to the same actions that got you banned from the discord previously. If you’re interested in contributing, theres very clear requests that have been made to you time and again and have be further clarified in a code of conduct.

I hope you have been well in your time away.

this is a warning from the Moderation Workstream that this comment violates the code of conduct , and that continued violations could result in a ban. Please focus on offering constructive feedback and helpful suggestions to one another rather than making negative comments that would be considered inappropriate in a professional setting.

I have been impressed by Hpayne’s skills and dedication to the team. He has demonstrated strong communication and decision-making abilities, and has been a valuable asset to our organization. I fully support Hpayne’s continued efforts and look forward to seeing the success he brings in the future.

Thank you @TylerShapeShift for what you’ve done for the workstream and I’m looking forward to continuing the systematic work with @Hpayne. You have my support, ser.

I couldn’t be more in favor of this nomination. @Hpayne has been KILLING IT, by which I mean to say he’s been passionate, enthusiastic, dedicated, and continues to embody a great fit for the values of the DAO. The marketing team has been super productive and effective recently - perhaps as most vividly displayed by increasing DAU’s (although it’s important not to conflate correlation with causation).

In any case, he’s done wonderful work so far IMO and has exactly what it takes to lead a thriving Marketing Workstream. Thanks for being a FOX, ser.

And thanks to @TylerShapeShift for serving in that interim role, to get us to where we are now. :salute:

I support @Hpayne, it is evident that he is passionate about the DAO. ShapeShift leaders are inspirational persons - HP always demonstrated these qualities and professionalism.

@Hpayne and fully support him stepping into the workstream leader role. Appreciate you holding down the fort as interim leader @TylerShapeShift



no trolling, literally “probably need someone with experience in this role” and who the fuck is hunt?

Thank you @TylerShapeShift for your efforts over the last few months, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. With your support and guidance, we were able to document, improve and optimize our processes and have significantly improved cross-workstream collaboration, which is very important for the success of this Workstream.

I don’t think Workstream Leaders are given enough credit sometimes so I just want to highlight the fact that you have given all of us the freedom to take ownership of certain tasks and explore possibilities we were unable to before, which in turn led to us being more productive, creative/innovative, satisfied and motivated.

@Hpayne I fully support you in this role, you have shown great skill, dedication, responsibility and professionalism over the last year and especially over the last few months. I’m looking forward to continuing to work alongside you.

Similarly applaud @Hpayne’s commitment, ownership and growth recently, and support this proposal.

Thank you so much for the kind words and for outlining this proposal @TylerShapeShift! You have been instrumental in helping the marketing team develop awesome methods to process, quantify, and optimize how we operate and continue to operate. I sincerely appreciate all the time and energy you have put into this workstream this last sprint and wanted to recognize how well you have enabled this amazing team of contributors to get things done and grow in ways we haven’t really been able to explore before. It is my opinion that we are in the best position as a team I have seen to date to create and maintain systems that allow for fast, independent change and experimentation while being able to quantify and qualify the results of those actions in a time oriented manner–and I honestly couldn’t be more excited for our future.

This past month we haven’t stopped building those transparent processes and communication networks and it’s been absolutely exhilarating to see other workstreams also get excited and buy into the cool things we are doing over here. I couldn’t be more honored for the opportunity to be able to help advocate and remove blockers for the amazing team we have and continue DAOing it alongside you all!

This last week, I had a chance to sit down with each of the existing marketing team members and touch base on their internal goals and vision of where the workstream is going and how they see their role evolving as we expand the breadth and depth of how marketing operates within the DAO (in a lean manner ofc). As a result, each of the contributors on the team is finalizing a public-facing “job description” of sorts that will outline their current responsibilities as well as their increased responsibilities as we absorb the work that you have been taking on as interim workstream leader, reconfigure contributor bandwidth, and plan for new initiatives. After meeting with each of the contributors on the team and talking through new initiatives, responsibilities, and obligations, I thought it was appropriate to distribute most of the existing workstream leaders 1 year locked FOX monthly salary to the team proportionally to their monthly earnings reflecting the increase in their job description, performance, assumed liability, and fair comparable industry wages.

The updated proposed salary distribution can be seen here:

It should be noted that the “JD Increase” column is not intended to be comprehensive and that I plan to attach hyperlinks to each contributor’s job description next week once they are templatized and finalized–which will also be available to view on the marketing Notion page. I aim to continue to operate a lean and nimble marketing team and be conscious of runway while still being able to incentivize and retain top contributors and talent; hence the current salary distribution is reflected as such (no additional spend/budget requested; overall contributor salary spend decreased by $740 of locked FOX per month). I talked with @Giantkin and Dannova will be wrapped under the Moderation workstream so I removed them from the budget.

Lastly, I truly appreciate everyone who has taken the time to respond and comment with their opinions (both supporting and the opposite). It really does mean a lot to be a part of a community that cares so much about its future! I am more than happy to address any points of concern or questions that might come up during this process.

Full support for @Hpayne as WS leader + huge ty to @TylerShapeShift for his support throughout the transition period.

Looking forward to continuing our work as a marketing team; we have an amazing combination of creativity and dedication = onward!