Release Thread for the Week of 1/26/24

Do you guys remember 2017 when you could import your seed different places? Well @gomes made that possible. Woo for feature debt cleanup.

Like Tyler said, a huge shout out to 0xean for making us all more amazonian and producing a great artifact.

We’re talking to people more who use our platform. Hitting goals :feelsgoodman: .

Multi hop swapper goodness going to a Musk chat near your, get your xexting fingers ready for a twitter space tuesday where I attempt to speak cogently.

specs board

Labelled specs by types, added a number of spikes column with a progress donut dividing by 3. We can see in completed specs now that between 3-6 is average number of getting a feature refined enough for hand off. more work to do though.

Screenshot 2024-01-26 at 1.43.26 PM

  • Finally had the hour to split the TC any<>any spec into it’s completed MVP and it’s next milestones. We’re waiting on data reports on the routes which is in progress
  • Also forked the FOX jobs to be done page vs just the discount similation modal, with the governance attention to FOX utility ( [Ideation] SCP-166 ThorFOX, a FOX tokenomics upgrade proposal - #18 by jonisjon ) this will be a great page for adjusting and then launching at some point.
  • Broke up a couple pieces into mini specs.

specs in progress

Other feature process: