Release thread for the week of 9/13/2024

Week of 9/13/24 - Releases - Commits - 1 Hotfix

Operational notes :

Thorchain Hardfork issues were the main focus of releases and our hotfix of the week. Many issues occurred upstream throughout the fork and our services were a slow roll to bring back up. All services should now be intact post the fork, If you see any unexpected behavior, hit up Ops and we’ll recreate and ticket any issues that might still be lingering/have broken.

Ledger and Metamask support and flow improvements we addressed including a migration to a new Metamask Snap. If you have any issues with migrating your Snap, reach out to support for further assistance.

Portals acquired LPs shoukld now be visible in the DeFi section of the app.

After approval by the DFC and Tokenomics lead to a change in the FOX discount fee parameters. Fee bps increased from 10 > 20. Max discount threshold increased from 300,000 > 500,000

Tyler was out of the office for the latter half of the week, thank you for your patience as he catches back up on requests.


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