(SCP-141/ Ideation) Globalization WS renewal - Q3 & Q4 2023


i dont think the budget will be expanded however

I doubt it too, considering the criticism we receive despite being overall and per contributor on average the lowest spend for the DAO… and certainly not with a low workload either.


Provide a clear business plan in the proposal (What WS is doing now is great. I have no doubt there is more to come. But what will the team do in the new era?)

“What WS is doing now” is provided for context, to show we did deliver on many promises, and also to show some of them were not fulfiled yet (or reachable given the market conditions or difficult to measure effectively).

But what will the team do in the new era?)

I’m sorry to repeat myself, but what in the “Goals” and “Execution Goals” sections is not matching what you demand here. Do you need more details, metrics?

If there are any events you will/need to participate in during this 6 month period, include them with budgets.

This is fair enough, I personally am not invested a lot in live events, I follow the calendar when the calls happen and they announce them. But if there is one right now, I totally agree with you, they should be in the proposal, budget included (including the things our contributors usually have to pay from their own pocket because we work on a very limited budget). @thesmith Any input on this specific point to include in the proposal?

I believe that even the amount translators are paid per word should be he

It could, currently my understanding is that is included in the Office fees because the total spend varies a lot depending on how many features require new/updated strings during the term. But acknowledging that we do have this recurrent variable spend for languages not handled by translators with a fix compensation, we could list the rate, agreed.

Thanks for sharing your feedback and working with us!

  • Goals & Execution - Goals seems more appropriate for the summary title..

    “We identified 15k MAUs during a 3-month period and all of them are coming from the support that Globalization WS provides. By adopting the Connected Wallet, Trade Confirm, Trade Success as main breaking points the team should identify the right funnel and build focused growth strategies aimed to this conversion level.”

-What strategy? What I want to know is what that strategy is and how much you need to allocate from your budget

  • “Overall Global ramp events (this includes other countries we dont support) are nearly 350 monthly activities. Its clear we must push these numbers with a new narrative, Copywriting will be reviewed ensuring persuasive arguments on platform and regional landing pages copy as well. New narratives will be turned into campaigns on socials and communities.”

  • -What are these campaigns? And of course the budget

    “New FOXatar design plan is timeframed and carries not only 78 new assets but all Globalization WS support on its execution. Each season aims guarantee this specific ShapeShift product life cycle with unique campaigns, the goal should oxygen the project and keep it up by elevating its roadmap to maturity level.”

-a campaign …

and the others are just a job description

If you are going to start a company, you start by calculating your supplier, your cost, who you will sell to, which channels you will use for advertising, your advertising budget and the possible damage you can do in total.otherwise you will be tossed here and there wondering what to do, making losses and getting extra tired…

I’m sure they will. They always rise from the ashes

Olá, amigos. I guess you guys forgot about today. We had a great convo on public voice chat and i understand yall are looking forward to new Proposal additions such as KPIs besides MAUs and all considerations made on this/incubation post. We have enough time to read everything calmly. I only ask for you guys a bit of patience, i get daily pings and notifications too so i’m in the loop.


"Today, if you go to an ATM machine and you put in your card, the bank may decide to give you your money. One day—as the people of Cyprus, Greece, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and a list of hundreds of countries over the last several decades and even centuries have discovered—one day, you go to the bank and the bank does not want to give you the money, because they don’t have to. That’s the essence of a master-slave relationship. "

The Globalization Workstream was created with the core ethos of decentralization and blockchain in mind – to create an equal financial playing field regardless of your language, race, socioeconomic status, or geolocation. Perhaps my ideologies of crypto may have been “too heavily” influenced by Antonopoulos in some eyes.

But I do believe that ShapeShift shares a similar ethos of financial sovereignty – at least that’s that impression I was under nearly two years ago when ShapeShift was going through its decentralization phase. Even if the workstream operates at a net loss (if we’re being honest, its not even that much in relative terms), I think the global push must go on – not only do I see this as a long term investment in ShapeShift’s market share in LatAm, but an investment in humanity.

Call me corny, soft, out of touch, whatever else you can think of. Times like these are when true colors begin to show.

  • LPX

Thanks LPX for sharing your OG perspective. Nice to see your are still around!

I share these ideas, they a not often pushed forward anymore because people are very focused on numbers/ROI to measure “instant” success or progress (which isn’t bad, but having a broader view/goals is needed too). I’ve always seen Globalization as a long-tail investment that the DAO needs to do to survive and thrive in the long term. Focusing only on the North American market bears a significant a risk of centralization. We’re seeing a more and more strict regulatory environment in this region and without getting too political it does not seem like the recent US administrations (last two and likely the next one) are going to be more kind to crypto unfortunately.

So even if some of the spends might look like they are done “at loss” right now (you’d be hard-pressed to find any of our WS that actually do not operate “at loss” right now), I want the DAO to do them to establish a foothold in other regions and not risk to be cut out of most of ours customers suddenly as regulations could change drastically. As the only WS with this mission we push for ShapeShift to be a recognized and respected brand in these other regions which often have no prior knowledge of us.

We also harbor only contributors outside of North America, which actually contributes to this goal of “decentralization” internally for the DAO, this is not a critique as I’m happy to work with people from all around the world, but if for some reason it became illegal for US citizens to work for a DAO, we would be here to provide competent people to continue the project.

Those are certainly not the main reasons Globalization is useful to the DAO and why it is worth investing in it (I’ve spoken about them earlier in this thread), I just thought I’d share these additional arguments your post made me rethink about which are also rarely brought up.

Update on the proposal: Still working around the attachment, it should follow new metrics and KPIs definitions. Past week was really really productive for Global in terms of KPI analysis and now we have better vision about where we are stepping in after todays mixpanel meeting. I know we promised this attachment on forum few days after the closed pool but the best we can do atm is work calmly around numbers, KPIs and the new set of goals we are proposing in order to keep Global WS in line with DAOs objectives and mostly metrics.

Thanks for being around, LPX. Youre very welcome here.

I still remember a quote you used in early Globalization times and I want to endorse it on this post:

“We must create a kind of globalization that works for everyone… and not just for a few.” - Nestor Kirchner

dont rush the content. get it setup right first. then show it :slight_smile:

Good news, Global fam! This document is an attachment to Proposal SCP-141 and addresses questions raised by the community. Globalization Workstreams metrics and KPIs are available for appreciation so we also propose suggestions and improvements for each one. New goals have been added and a new setup for KPI analysis will be applied. In addition to the goals, goals proposed during Ideation stage will be maintained.

Read: https://shapeshift.notion.site/Attachment-to-Proposal-SCP-141-a3aad95ebd7b49a3b9f0b72f39de9957?pvs=4

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setup a new poll here?

actually not sure your able to in here. ( one per topic usually)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this addendum/attachment and the improvements to the Mixpanel dashboard! I think it’s good that we align with the future Portfolio of Bets and a main metric (WAT) goal as KPI.

@thesmith I think the thresholds for WAT metric in the document were mixed, the “Success” one is the minimum before we consider our work a “success”, so it can’t be higher than the “Best” which is the ambitious goal (650). And “Fail” should actually be labelled “Worse” (300), as in the bare minimum improvement from the Current situation (250).

I don’t think we need another vote for the Ideation phase governance-wise. This proposal passed Ideation (majority “For” and “For with changed” aggregated) and a Final Vote can happen with or without changes. One more (forum) vote before the Final Vote might give additional indications of course, but I’m against voting all the time (it causes voting fatigue). If the message from Incubation/Ideation participants wasn’t clear enough to amend the Final Vote proposal correctly then it should fail (which doesn’t preclude making a completely new proposal later with better changes).

As far as I know, some changes (metrics/goals) are planned for the Final Vote text to outline and even link to the document. The broader community can take an informed decision when voting for or against the proposal then.

True. but if its just a temp check poll to gauge how it looks now, might help give an indication if it would pass or not.

Links in the proposol are ok, but the data needs to be IN the proposal to make a difference. i might go to a link for clarity on a point. but whats in the porposal itself is what is set in stone. (maybe if the links are to ifps items?) ipfs?

Of course, links should be to immutable documents, I’ve always advocated for this in previous proposals… but it’s not often done unfortunately (including the Code of Conduct :sweat_smile:). Thankfully we usually vote for proposals from people who don’t have it in them to edit documents after the fact!

well the code of conduct was posted here. and not on an outside link. so doesnt pertain to the ipfs stuff. (which the entire forum is on some form of ipfs. (arweave) for the main post. just talking outside links. shouldnt be thought of set in stone, unless theyare those ipfs setup links. (which i did once, but dont remember how now) lol

The text of the Code of Conduct was linked to a Notion page in the Final Vote proposal, instead of an immutable way to store it (I had pointed it out at the time, that’s why I mention it). Anyways, I agree that any text/reference should be put on IPFS or something alike if it’s part of what’s voted on.

oh, lol i didnt look at the snapshot one just the forum post. lol. maybe it didnt fit. not sure about this item. Well, when i make changes, i have my own copy to mess with, for ideas and such, before we bring it back to discussion.

ill try to use that ipfs setup, when i get to it. (when i start that, link me to the ‘how to’ lol) i think its in the forums here already actually.

Yeah, a version of each forum message hash is stored on Arweave’s blockchain and it points to a resource on IPFS which contains the message content. It could be a solution to use a forum post/message, although you can edit forum messages so you’d have to point which history/hash the proposal is for…

@willyfox I think I remember you’ve linked to an IPFS gateway to do this kind of hosting directly at some point, but I’m not sure anymore and I can’t find it in any of our common discussion logs or the forum. Any idea? (or did I just fabricate this memory :sweat_smile:)

total fabrication. hehe. actually it was nerdhair that set something up, we didnt use it much, or at all i think. so no idea if its available still.