
Verifying my forum identity for shapeshift governance addr: 0x2FAB692A1586dF2C1E0742461dEc59a31e284A74 sig: 0x59bde62842694170161348a5389754925e8d32a8765230116eebcd3b7fe569e74a531b3472067a7ffb908cb2b85a15d54cdea7a10d7024ebfd8c16aa775a5a8d1c #shapeshiftgovernance

hi! whats this for?


no i mean, what are you posting th is info for?

well thats interesting. wonder what thats from. push?

if this is a thing, ill setup a section for it. @Hpayne @willyfox

I’m trying to learn

i am not very knowledgeable

I came here while working for rewards on the shapeshift page

your fine. im trying to figure out stuff all the time :slight_smile:

far as i know your the first to connect that here. (or if i did it, i dont remember it… maybe added after. hm)

ooh its a mission! nice. ya, ill make a section for this for others.


There we go! :slight_smile: you are now FIRST post in a new category! :slight_smile:

I guess this task is for delegates

not suitable for me

ahh ok, that makes sense too. only way to know, is to try stuff out! :slight_smile: