Proposal to fund the Product Workstream through December 2021

Hello foxes!

As a product-centric DAO, a well-resourced product workstream is vital to our success. This is a proposal to officially establish the Product Workstream and fund its anticipated budget through December 2021.

For a video version of this proposal, check out the recording from the Product Workstream Kickoff call on 8/16/2021.

Here are the slides from the kickoff.


Design and execute the optimal product roadmap for achieving the mission and goals of the ShapeShift DAO.


  1. Curate and propose a product roadmap based on research, user feedback and behavior, and informed vision that aligns with the mission and goals of the ShapeShift DAO

  2. Provide feature specifications (including goals and success metrics), UI/UX designs, project management, and applicable front-end development for all features prioritized by the ShapeShift DAO
  3. Represent the ShapeShift DAO’s product suite, roadmap, and workstream and act as a repository of knowledge
  4. Ensure the delivery of prioritized features on time, under budget, and according to the acceptance criteria defined in each feature spec
  5. Assist with one-off community projects as needed, and make sure all projects executed by the workstream and outside the workstream are on brand and pass usability

Success Metrics

  1. Define and propose a roadmap that is accepted and funded by the community

  2. Features on the roadmap are delivered on time, on or under budget, and according to the acceptance criteria defined in each feature spec
  3. The KPIs specified in each feature are tracked and reported to the community
  4. Growth in DAO revenues

Requested funding



  • Any unused funds can either be returned to the DAO or rolled over into a subsequent funding proposal.

    Once established, the product workstream will seek to hire full-time contributors. We’re fortunate to have many of the following ShapeShift employees interested in contributing:

    @willyfox - Temp Workstream Leader (unpaid)

  • - Product Manager
  • - Project Manager
  • - UX Manager
  • - UI/UX Designer/Developer
  • - UI/UX Designer/Developer
  • - Interaction Designer & Illustrator

All of the above foxes will begin contributing to the workstream beginning in September, although several will are not scheduled to end their employment with ShapeShift the corp until the end of October (, , ) or end of December (

  • ). As these individuals transition from working for corporate ShapeShift to the product workstream, their salaries ramp up.

    The workstream is also actively hiring for 3 roles:

    Workstream Leader

  • Product Manager
  • Project Manager

Stay tuned for job descriptions and more information on how to apply.

The workstream is also requesting a $2,500/month budget to reward miscellaneous contributions or bounties.

Next Steps

Please let us know if you have any feedback on the mission, goals, KPIs, roles, or budget for the Product Workstream.

If feedback is positive, my plan is to take this to the Ideation phase on Friday so we can fund the workstream before September 1st.

Once established, the first goal of product workstream will be to propose a feature roadmap to the DAO. Once approved, the workstream will focus on providing feature specs, ui/ux designs and development, and product/project management services to the engineering workstream to execute the roadmap.

Thank you all for your consideration. Let’s DAO it! :fox_face: 1f680

This looks great! I will obviously be voting yes on this! Thanks for putting this together Willy!

This proposal is really well thought out and definitely has my support, excited to see what awesome stuff is delivered by the product workstream.

One piece of feedback, I think it is really important, even initially, that there is some sort of Workstream leader to handle payments etc. I know in theory we are still looking for someone to step up into that role, but I would be hesitant to vote this forward and create the workstream without at least an interim leader in that position.

Would either or be interested in taking that on at least on an interim basis until another leader is voted in (or maybe just for these first 4 months)? I think they are both more than capable of handling those duties. I would feel a lot better pushing this forward if the workstream had a leader day 1 this was funded to handle workstream payments etc.

Thanks 1f64f I’m planning to handle payments and act as a temp, unpaid workstream leader until one is elected, but both and are welcome to apply. We have at least one other interested and qualified candidate that was on the kickoff call too.

Great point, I’ll clarify this in the initial post.

Great, that sound good! Knowing that worst case you can interim handle those duties makes me feel better about voting this forward.


Thanks for putting this together and posting this! I will be voting yes on this as well :+1:

Looks awesome! Thank you for putting this together

Yes. I would definitely consider this.

Thanks for posting ! This is great and has my support

Thank you for posting this , really excited to continue our awesome mission of becoming the best place for crypto! I’d vote for it!

thanks for the support so far ! :fox_face: 2764

As promised, here is recording of the Product Workstream Kickoff call on August 16th: Product Workstream - Meeting 1 on Vimeo

discourse-post-upload20231125-65354-zsozg2.png willy:


This is beautifully put together and I think a great model for other workstreams 1f609

I am so excited to see step into this role that fits him so well and of course love the design dream team staying together. I also can’t wait to see the other roles get filled with new talent.

Overall I think the compensation listed is very reasonable as this will be one of the hardest jobs in the DAO (alongside any fulltime engineers, of course).

The workstream is also requesting a $2,500/month budget to reward miscellaneous contributions or bounties.

I would even argue this could be a bit higher.

I think this funding is very important to the future of the work streams and to set initiatives for the contributions and bounties moving forward, along side of the work stream development itself.

After listening in yesterday to the core of the meeting, I am in favor of this funding moving forward.

In the spirit of decentralization, I’m happy to share that is taking over as interim workstream leader for the Product Workstream :fox_face: 1f389

I’m planning to take the proposal to fund the workstream through the governance process to completion, and the community will still get the opportunity to elect the official product workstream leader, but to keep things moving forward in the meantime is taking the lead.

I’m so happy to pass the torch to ’s capable hands, and I look forward to contributing as an informal/as-needed PM to the Product Workstream going forward 1f680

Thanks ! I’m super excited to be apart of this workstream and being able to help out wherever necessary! 1f680

thanks ! love your feedback and added $1000/mo to the miscellaneous contribution/bounty bucket, which brings the total budget up to $349,311.

Seeing as there has been lots of support and no other feedback or pushback so far, I am going to advance this to the Ideation stage 1f680

Proposal is pending in ideation! Should go live sometime tomorrow :fox_face:

Based on feedback in the ideation thread and conversations with workstream members, we’ve made 2 changes that have resulted in a decreased budget of $338,478 (a reduction of $10,833).

The workstream leader salary for September and October has been reduced to 0 because we estimate it will take ~2 months to fill this role.

  1. is acting as interim workstream leader in the meantime and will still be employed full-time by ShapeShift in September and October and will also receive $1,666.67 additional compensation in those months from the workstream.

The budget for

  1. ’s salary as project manager has been increased in November and December. Originally he was scheduled to continue working full-time for ShapeShift through the end of the 2021, but now that he will be joining the product workstream full time, he is only scheduled to be employed until the end of October, and another FOX who was previously scheduled to be employed until October is taking his place.

Because these changes result in a net decrease to the budget, I’m planning to advance this to the proposal to SnapShot today.

Awesome thanks for these updates - these budget adjustments make sense to me and glad to see the ideation feedback is being incorporated.

These changes all make sense to me and seem reasonable. Is 2 months in the current job market a reasonable amount of time to fill the role?