rFOX stakers -
The first accounting run for Epoch #0 (July 2024) has been ran and published to IPFS here. Please remember RUNE has 8 decimal places and all amounts are in base integer units. The community is asked to PLEASE double check their rewards and to post here with any questions or concerns with the accounting prior to the execution of these rewards on 8/15/2024.
The code used for accounting is open source and available as a CLI tool on GitHub for anyone that would like to audit these values. The more eyes on this code and accounting, the better.
If you believe something is incorrect, please respond here with as much information as possible (address, staking transaction in question, reason you believe the accounting to be flawed, etc). If you do not want to disclose you address here, feel free to message me in private.
The web interface will be updated shortly to reflect the pending rewards balances as well.
Processing rFOX Epoch #0 for July distribution.
- Total July revenue earned by thor1xmaggkcln5m5fnha2780xrdrulmplvfrz6wj3l: 12328.34021031 RUNE
- Share of total revenue to be distributed as rewards: 25%
- Share of total revenue to buy back fox and burn: 25%
- Total rewards to be distributed: 3082.08505258 RUNE
Thank you!