Releaase thread for the week of 10/4/24

Week of 10/4/24 - 3 Releases - 27 Commits

Operational Notes:

Performance improvements seem to be a quarterly task, this week we did a big focus on wallet initialization performance, Please let support or Ops know if you are still experiencing slow unbearable load times. With the performance improvements cam a lot of dead code removal.

The FOX evergreen staking contract is now live. Noe users will no longer have to continue to unstake and restake their reward-farming FOX.

The markets page feature is so excited to be released we almost launched it in 1.688.0. There still needs to be some work done on wallet-less quotes before we can debut the new page and the new schema of the app, freed from the splash page.

rFOX epoch 3 rewards are now posted: rFOX - Pending Rewards - #3 by 0xean

The rFOX page had some attention spent on it with an activity page and some fixes to the SAFE wallet deposit flow.

RIP rainbow charts
2022 -2024



Markets are out in prod. Revel ye degens! Sort, save, find, and trade your assets. Mobile and web. Try to break it before comms go out.

Fox evergreen also lives, look juicy APY returns and not having to move your LP every time.

fox farms

Gnosis call on Monday went well, we actually fit their definition to be a gnosis app and now know how! It’s not just an iframe tho, of course, there is an actual process. Because Gnosis is…safe ; lmeow.

So some spiking, testing with DFC, and coordination to do. But, we’ll split this ticket up and maybe solve some bridging woes along the way.

We accidentally jeeted 85 % of removing the splash page and had a moment to think through what the app actually needs for performance. Needless to say for a week or two the splash page will live, but then it will be retired for a disconnected state. And then sharing links.

Process & Strategy

Branching paths doc is back to draft stage. Vision 2 is a no-go. :frowning_face:

So, next week we’ll have a strategy jam to brainstorm the next great feature suite and break out into speccing that from there.

FWIW, we’ve been following vision 1 anyways and at least there is a sense of completness at the end. However, wth launching and more advanced intent swappers entering the game… we need to lean on our strengths and figure out the future. A challenge to be contrarian, right, and timely. It might be we have to pick two.

Spec updates:

  • Spec Ratio is at: 39/9 (2.68)
    • cleaned out a handful of things we won’t do.


In progress

Other feature process: