[SCP-TBD] Shapeshift listed on General Magic ImpactDAO swag store


General Magic proposes creating Shapeshift-branded merch in their Impact DAO focused swag marketplace. General Magic will take care of all logistics, including shipping, fulfillment and payments (customers have the choice to pay with fiat or crypto).We could also create a custom “merch token” specifically to buy Shapeshift swag if required. If successful, this project will create an additional revenue stream for the Shapeshift community, while providing more brand recognition, positive vibes and a convenient way for Shapeshift enthusiasts to show their love and support.


We at General Magic are excited to create a swag marketplace that we believe will benefit all Impact DAO communities. We would like to add Shapeshift-branded merchandise to our swag marketplace, allowing your enthusiasts to show their support for your platform in a tangible way.

The project involves creating three different designs for Shapeshift merchandise, using eco-friendly materials and sustainable sources. These designs will be added to our existing swag shop marketplace creating Shapeshift’s own page. The marketplace currently lists merchandise for a number of impact DAOs. Customers will be able to purchase Shapeshift merchandise using fiat or crypto, and we could even create a custom “merch token” for your community if desired.

Profit from sales of Shapeshift merchandise would be split 50-50 between Shapeshift and General Magic. We will handle all shipping, payments and customer service, using a dropshipping provider such as Printful to fulfill orders. The revenue that General Magic receives from these sales will be used to further improve and develop the swagshop marketplace, creating a better experience for all impact DAOs listed on our site.

In order to make this project a reality, we are requesting 45,000 FOX, this cost will cover the design of up to 3 products. This fee will cover the costs associated with creating the merchandise designs, developing the product, and listing it on our swag shop marketplace.

We believe that this project has the potential to create economic value around the Shapeshift community, while also providing a convenient and comfortable way for your fox enthusiasts to show their support.


The motivation behind this proposal is to provide a tangible way for Shapeshift enthusiasts to show their support for the platform, while also establishing brand recognition, and creating economic streams for the community.


  • Three unique designs for Shapeshift, with 3 unique products on your own storefront
  • Eco-friendly materials and sustainable sources.
  • Fiat or crypto payments. All shipping, logisitcs, fullfillment and customer service will be handled by General Magic.
  • 50% of the profits will be used to buy FOX and give it to the DAO treasury.


  • Convenient and comfortable way for supporters to show their support.
  • Create economic value for the community,


  • One time initial payment of 45,000 FOX.
  • 50% of all profits (in exchange for General Magic fully managing the shop)


Voting “for” this proposal indicates support for the creation of Shapeshift-branded merchandise on the General Magic swag marketplace. Voting “against” indicates a lack of support for the project. Community members can vote directly on the proposal to gauge support before an official proposal is submitted on SnapShot.

The goal of this post is receive feedback and advice process on this proposal

Hi, we actually already have a merch store already available at https://swag.shapeshift.com/.

Thanks for letting us know about your existing merch store PTT. Another option if the community is interested in being listed on the General Magic swag marketplace as well, we could add your existing Shapeshift-branded merchandise for a lower cost of 15,000 FOX for the dev work. Let us know if that make sence.

gm @Zeptimus, thank you and General Magic for this proposal and invitation.

I will say the General Magic Impact Shop has great vibes and UX, and the swag designs are beautiful.

If we’re planning to continue working with the existing provider (I know there is an ongoing discussion about this as previously it hasn’t cost the DAO anything, but starting April I understand it will start to cost), I like the idea of listing our existing swag on General Magic.

If we’re not (while I really like our current provider, I personally can’t justify monthly expenses for the swag store until we show that it can generate revenue), I like the idea of delegating all swag operations to General Magic.

One of the main reasons the initial swag store hasn’t been successful is that the DAO barely marketed it, and the main reason for that is that we’ve been understandably focused on marketing the product and surviving the bear.

Would def like to get clarity on what our future plans are (if any) with the current swag provider, Top Drawer Merch, before making a decision on this. @Hpayne has any decision been made on this yet?

how is that working out? profit to date please?