OPs desk
Week of 2/26/24 - 3 Releases - 36 Commits
- chore: release v1.544.0 by woodenfurniture · Pull Request #6283 · shapeshift/web · GitHub
- 11 commits ( 3 features, 5 chores, 1 perf)
- performance (trade input rendering)
- trade input UX
- Cowswap rounding
- Getting LP end to end out (remove liquidity confirms)
- chore: infra updates by kaladinlight · Pull Request #943 · shapeshift/unchained · GitHub
- matching releases for ETH AVAX Op, BNB, Gnosis, Arbitrum , and Thorchain
- chore: release v1.545.0 by gomesalexandre · Pull Request #6311 · shapeshift/web · GitHub
- 16 commits (6 fixes)
- Getting LP close to E2E testing ready, adding params, smoothing curves
- Adding more performance to search
- Zapper fell over, so we stood it back up.
- Fox discounts math fixes
- chore: release v1.546.0 by 0xApotheosis · Pull Request #6332 · shapeshift/web · GitHub
- 9 commiits (2 features, 3 performance, 2 refactors, 2 fixes)
- Caching address for onramping. especially for ledger users.
- Thorchain lp positions feature & refactor focus behind flag
- Trade input performance UX and removing the spinner on the fox in the top left
- Removing request numbers and streamlining
- Lending has hard caps and we didn’t display them. we now do. (tweet about it)
Tyler out this week so uh, here is a gif:
Product notes
Look a wild post about how to help the product workstream appears. Our canny board ia s bit of a mess and there isn’t a way to steward an idea. We wanted to fix that.
LP is so close we can test it.
Lending has hard caps and we didn’t display them. We now have a twitter button so you can tweet “raise the caps” like everyone else. Additionally, this surfaced some bugs for large deposits that was upstream so we had some accidental user discovery ship straight to prod.
We fixed a lot of FOX discount math and have been hammering away at trade performance UX. As a result we keep testing huge wallets to make them more performant and indicate why it has so many requests when your history is so large.
- Spec Ratio is at: 57/22
Other feature process:
- Find the scheduled tickets on the github project
- review the process on the forum or on the product notion.
- add a feature you’d like to see at shapeshift.canny.io and bring your friends for upvotes
- Response KPI :
- Response KPI :
- specs board