Discord Globalization Refurbish

Looking the behavior of users on other servers and wanting to implement improvements to optimize their experience on our server, (the global workstream) propose small changes, to be able to attract more people to our community and facilitate onboarding, such an important part of growing our organization.

Our suggestions would be:

1st screen - 1st impression + language selection

Start with language verification, then human verification

i. language

ii. human verification

iii. role-selection (workstream selection if its the case)

That the user should see


  1. We have to keep it simple, cause we want the user to select its language > 3.1. add emoji in the room name

  2. Improve text and with message in other languages and change emojis for buttons

2nd screen - human verification


  • Gifs are more attractive to users

  • Some poeple will not understand they have to verify if they see a lot of rooms already, this truth is stronger with non-english-primary-speakers



3rd screen - Role Selector


  1. Merge #pronoum selection with #role-selector



3rd Screen - Fox-Tokens


  • Make this message for 4/5 languages or merge the rooms and use the Reaction Bot to make 3 messages in one embed



Custom Command

	Trigger: fox tokens
	Trigger Type: Command

	Made by Carabela Guild @vito

{{$x := sendMessageRetID nil (cembed

"title" " 💰 What are FOX Tokens 💰 "


**FOX is the governance token for the ShapeShift DAO. Token holders can vote on proposals relating to the operation and treasury of the DAO. The token supports and provides utility for a borderless, cross-chain crypto trading platform and portfolio manager for user self-sovereignty.**

🦊 Buy FOX at exchanges: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Earn FOX by contributing: [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Hold FOX in your KeepKey: [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 Learn more about FOX in Resources: [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Use FOX to get involved in our governance process: [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en Français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf Deutsch Lesen```" "inline" true))
"color" 0x01136D)}}
{{addMessageReactions nil $x "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}

Reaction Command

{{$d:=.Reaction.ChannelID}}{{$e:=.Reaction.MessageID}}{{$f:=.Reaction.Emoji.Name}}{{if eq .Message.Author.ID 204255221017214977}}{{if (eq $f "🇬🇧")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "What are FOX Tokens?"

"description" ` 
**FOX is the governance token for the ShapeShift DAO. Token holders can vote on proposals relating to the operation and treasury of the DAO. The token supports and provides utility for a borderless, cross-chain crypto trading platform and portfolio manager for user self-sovereignty.**

🦊 Buy FOX at exchanges: [💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Earn FOX by contributing: [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Hold FOX in your KeepKey: [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 Learn more about FOX in Resources: [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Use FOX to get involved in our governance process: [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice

			(sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}{{else if (eq $f "🇧🇷")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "💰 O que é FOX Token? 💰"

"description" ` 
**FOX é o token de governança para o ShapeShift DAO. Os detentores de tokens podem votar em propostas relacionadas ao funcionamento e tesouraria do DAO. O token oferece suporte e fornece utilidade para uma plataforma de negociação de criptomoedas sem fronteiras e de cadeia cruzada e gerenciador de portfólio para auto-soberania do usuário.**

🦊 Compre FOX nas exchanges: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Ganhe FOX contribuindo: [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Segure FOX em seu KeepKey: [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 Saiba mais sobre a FOX em Recursos: [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Use a FOX para se envolver em nosso processo de governança: [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}{{else if (eq $f "🇪🇸")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "💰 ¿Qué son los tokens FOX? 💰"

"description" `
**FOX es el token de gobernanza para ShapeShift DAO. Los titulares de tokens pueden votar sobre propuestas relacionadas con el funcionamiento y la tesorería de la DAO. El token es compatible y proporciona utilidad para una plataforma de comercio de criptografía entre cadenas sin fronteras y un administrador de cartera para la auto-soberanía del usuario.**

🦊 Compre FOX en los intercambios: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Gana FOX contribuyendo: [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Mantén FOX en tu KeepKey: [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 Obtén más información sobre FOX en Recursos: [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Utilice FOX para participar en nuestro proceso de gobierno: [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}{{else if (eq $f "🇫🇷")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "💰 Que sont les jetons FOX? 💰"
"description" `
**FOX est le jeton de gouvernance du ShapeShift DAO. Les détenteurs de jetons peuvent voter sur les propositions relatives au fonctionnement et à la trésorerie du DAO. Le jeton prend en charge et fournit une utilité pour une plate-forme de trading cryptographique inter-chaînes sans frontières et un gestionnaire de portefeuille pour l'auto-souveraineté des utilisateurs.**

🦊 Achetez FOX sur les échanges : [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Gagnez FOX en contribuant : [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Maintenez FOX dans votre KeepKey : [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 En savoir plus sur FOX dans les ressources : [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Utilisez FOX pour vous impliquer dans notre processus de gouvernance : [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice

                       (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}{{else if (eq $f "🇩🇪")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "💰 Was sind FOX-Token? 💰"
"description" `
**FOX ist das Governance-Token für das ShapeShift-DAO. Token-Inhaber können über Vorschläge in Bezug auf den Betrieb und die Kasse der DAO abstimmen. Das Token unterstützt und bietet Nutzen für eine grenzenlose, kettenübergreifende Krypto-Handelsplattform und einen Portfolio-Manager für die Selbstbestimmung der Benutzer.**

🦊 Kaufen Sie FOX an Börsen: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952264419608518656)

🦊 Verdienen Sie FOX, indem Sie beitragen: [🦋・start-contributing](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952269406375923773)

🦊 Halte FOX in deinem KeepKey: [shapeshift.com/keepkey](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

🦊 Erfahre mehr über FOX in Ressourcen: [🎒・resources](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292)

🦊 Verwenden Sie FOX, um sich an unserem Governance-Prozess zu beteiligen: [shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process](https://forum.shapeshift.com/t/fox-governance-process)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
                      (sdict "name" "🇩🇪" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🇫🇷" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🇪🇸" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🇧🇷" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🇬🇧" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true))   

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🇬🇧" "🇧🇷" "🇪🇸" "🇫🇷" "🇩🇪"}}{{end}}{{end}}



Custom Command

	Trigger: exchanges and wallets
	Trigger Type: Command

	Made by Carabela Guild 

{{$x := sendMessageRetID nil (cembed

"title" "Exchanges and Wallets"


• **Exchange and Wallet Information**

Safely send, receive, buy, trade and store your crypto using the ShapeShift Platform. 100% Free. Open-Source. Community-Owned. Non-Custodial. Private.


• **Purchase the ShapeShift DAO’s FOX governance token at the links below**

💲 [Buy FOX on Ethereum Main-net](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)
💵 [Buy FOX with fiat](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)
💰  [Buy FOX on Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)

• **Wallets**
FOX Tokens are supported by most wallets that support Ethereum. Before transferring FOX to a wallet, check with the respective wallet to confirm.

• **Recommended hardware wallet:**
[KeepKey 🔐](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

• **Recommended software wallet:**
[ShapeShift Native 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟩" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en Français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf Deutsch Lesen```" "inline" true))
"color" 0x01136D)}}
{{addMessageReactions nil $x "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}

Reaction Command

{{$d:=.Reaction.ChannelID}}{{$e:=.Reaction.MessageID}}{{$f:=.Reaction.Emoji.Name}}{{if eq .Message.Author.ID 204255221017214977}}{{if (eq $f "🟦")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "Exchanges and Wallets"

"description" ` • **Exchange and Wallet Information**

Safely send, receive, buy, trade and store your crypto using the ShapeShift Platform. 100% Free. Open-Source. Community-Owned. Non-Custodial. Private.


• **Purchase the ShapeShift DAO’s FOX governance token at the links below.**


💲 (Buy FOX on Ethereum Main-net](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)
💵 [Buy FOX with fiat](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)
💰  [Buy FOX on Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)

• **Wallets**

FOX Tokens are supported by most wallets that support Ethereum. Before transferring FOX to a wallet, check with the respective wallet to confirm.

• **Recommended hardware wallet:**

• **Recommended software wallet:**
[ShapeShift Native 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice

			(sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟨" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}{{else if (eq $f "🟩")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "Exchanges e Carteiras"

"description" ` 
**Informações sobre Carteiras e Exchange.**

Envie, receba, compre, negocie e armazene suas cryptos com segurança usando a Plataforma ShapeShift. 100% Gratuito. Código aberto. Propriedade da comunidade. Não-custodial. Privado.


• **Compre o token de governança FOX da ShapeShift DAO nos links abaixo** 

• **Exchanges**

💲 [Compre FOX na Mainnet da Ethereum](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)
💵 [Compre FOX com Fiat](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)
💰 [Compre FOX na Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)

• **Carteiras:**

FOX Tokens são suportados pela maioria das carteiras que suportam Ethereum. Antes de transferir o FOX para uma carteira, verifique com a respectiva carteira para confirmar.

• **Carteira Hardware Recomendada:**
[KeepKey 🔐](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

• **Carteira Software Recomendada:**
[ShapeShift Native 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🟩" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}{{else if (eq $f "🟥")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "Exchanges y Carteras "

"description" `
**Información de Exchange y Billetera**

Envíe, reciba, compre, intercambie y almacene de forma segura su criptografía utilizando la plataforma ShapeShift. 100% gratis. Codigo Abierto. Propiedad de la comunidad. Sin custodia. Privado.


**Compre el token de gobierno FOX de ShapeShift DAO en los enlaces a continuación**


💲 [Compre FOX en la red principal de Ethereum](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)
💵 [Comprar FOX con fiat](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)
💰 [Comprar FOX en Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)


Los tokens FOX son compatibles con la mayoría de las billeteras que admiten Ethereum. Antes de transferir FOX a una billetera, verifique con la billetera respectiva para confirmar.

**Billetera de Hardware Recomendada:**
[KeepKey 🔐](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

**Billeterade Software Recomendado:**
[Nativo de ShapeShift 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟩" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                        (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}{{else if (eq $f "🟪")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "Exchanges et Portefeuilles "
"description" `

• **Informations sur les Exchanges et les Portefeuilles**

Envoyez, recevez, achetez, échangez et stockez votre crypto en toute sécurité à l'aide de la plateforme ShapeShift. 100 % gratuit. Open source. Appartenant à la communauté. Non-gardien. Privé.


• **Achetez le jeton de gouvernance FOX de ShapeShift DAO sur les liens ci-dessous**

💲 [Achetez FOX sur le réseau principal Ethereum](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)

💵 [Acheter FOX avec fiat](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)

💰 [Acheter FOX sur Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)

• **Portefeuilles**

Les jetons FOX sont pris en charge par la plupart des portefeuilles prenant en charge Ethereum. Avant de transférer FOX vers un portefeuille, vérifiez auprès du portefeuille respectif pour confirmer.

• **Portefeuille matériel recommandé:**
[KeepKey 🔐](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

• **Portefeuille logiciel recommandé:**
[ShapeShift Native 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice

                       (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🟩" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
                       (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}{{else if (eq $f "🟧")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "Exchange und Geldbörsen"
"description" `
• **Exchange- und Wallet-Informationen**

Senden, empfangen, kaufen, tauschen und speichern Sie Ihre Kryptowährung sicher über die ShapeShift-Plattform. 100% kostenlos. Open Source. Gemeinschaftseigentum. Nicht-Gewahrsam. Privatgelände.


• **Kaufen Sie das FOX-Governance-Token von ShapeShift DAO unter den Links unter**


💲 [Kaufen Sie FOX im Ethereum-Hauptnetz](https://app.shapeshift.com/assets/eip155:1/erc20:0xc770eefad204b5180df6a14ee197d99d808ee52d)

💵[Kaufen Sie FOX im Ethereum-Hauptnetz](https://www.coinbase.com/price/fox-token)

💰 [Kaufen Sie FOX auf Gnosis Chain](https://app.honeyswap.org/#/)

• **Geldbörsen**

FOX-Token werden von den meisten Wallets unterstützt, die Ethereum unterstützen. Bevor Sie FOX auf ein Wallet übertragen, überprüfen Sie dies mit dem jeweiligen Wallet, um dies zu bestätigen.

• **Empfohlene Hardware-Wallet:**
[KeepKey 🔐](https://shapeshift.com/keepkey)

• **Empfohlene Software-Wallet:**
[ShapeShift Native 🦊](https://app.shapeshift.com/)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
                      (sdict "name" "🟧" "value" "```Auf deutsch lesen```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🟪" "value" "```Lire en français```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🟥" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🟩" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
                      (sdict "name" "🟦" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true))   

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🟦" "🟩" "🟥" "🟪" "🟧"}}{{end}}{{end}}



Custom Command

	Trigger: resources
	Trigger Type: Command

	Made by Carabela Guild 

{{$x := sendMessageRetID nil (cembed

"title" "🦊ShapeShift Resources"


👉ShapeShift Products: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 ShapeShift's YouTube Channel: [youtube/ShapeShiftDAO](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZ2Ml63kLwZJ6amqoGaZeQ)
👉 ShapeShift's Twitch Channel: [twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao](https://www.twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao)
👉 Learn the basics about crypto: #[📕・crypto-101](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Need-Help: [#🆘・need-help](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)

📖 **Terms and Vocabulary**

**FOX Token** - The ShapeShift FOX Token. A standard ERC20 token that gets you benefits from hodling it on the ShapeShift web app platform or Mobile App. It's also the ShapeShift DAO governance token.

**FOX Liquidity Providing** - This is when you provide equal amounts of FOX and ETH to the UniSwap v2 FOX-ETH Liquidity pool

**FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens** - When you provide liquidity, UniSwap sends you back a FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP tokens. Think of these as a coat check ticket that you give back to UniSwap when you want to remove your liquidity.

**FOX Staking** - This is when you send your FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens to the FOX Staking Contract so you can earn additional FOX Token rewards.

**FOX Yield Farming** - After you stake your FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens in the FOX Staking Contract, the FOX Token Rewards you earn is also know as Farming or Yield Farming.

**🔗 Useful Links**

👉 Impermanent Loss

👉 How to buy discounted FOX tokens using Olympus Pro:
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds_xAVDxyF4&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=2)

👉 How to earn TOKE rewards on FOX Tokens with Tokemak
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdv6zBjvfJQ&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=3)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🔵" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟢" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🔴" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}
{{addMessageReactions nil $x "🔵" "🟢" "🔴"}}

Reaction Command

{{$d:=.Reaction.ChannelID}}{{$e:=.Reaction.MessageID}}{{$f:=.Reaction.Emoji.Name}}{{if eq .Message.Author.ID 204255221017214977}}{{if (eq $f "🔵")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "🦊ShapeShift Resources"

"description" ` 
👉ShapeShift Products: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 ShapeShift's YouTube Channel: [youtube/ShapeShiftDAO](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZ2Ml63kLwZJ6amqoGaZeQ)
👉 ShapeShift's Twitch Channel: [twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao](https://www.twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao)
👉 Learn the basics about crypto: #[📕・crypto-101](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Need-Help: [#🆘・need-help](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)

📖 **Terms and Vocabulary**

**FOX Token** - The ShapeShift FOX Token. A standard ERC20 token that gets you benefits from hodling it on the ShapeShift web app platform or Mobile App. It's also the ShapeShift DAO governance token.

**FOX Liquidity Providing** - This is when you provide equal amounts of FOX and ETH to the UniSwap v2 FOX-ETH Liquidity pool

**FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens** - When you provide liquidity, UniSwap sends you back a FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP tokens. Think of these as a coat check ticket that you give back to UniSwap when you want to remove your liquidity.

**FOX Staking** - This is when you send your FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens to the FOX Staking Contract so you can earn additional FOX Token rewards.

**FOX Yield Farming** - After you stake your FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens in the FOX Staking Contract, the FOX Token Rewards you earn is also know as Farming or Yield Farming.

**🔗 Useful Links**

👉 Impermanent Loss: 

👉 How to buy discounted FOX tokens using Olympus Pro: 
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds_xAVDxyF4&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=2)

👉 How to earn TOKE rewards on FOX Tokens with Tokemak:
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdv6zBjvfJQ&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=3)

"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice

			(sdict "name" "🔵" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟢" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🔴" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🔵" "🟢" "🔴"}}{{else if (eq $f "🟢")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "🦊 ShapeShift - Recursos"

"description" ` 
👉Produtos ShapeShift: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Canal do YouTube do ShapeShift: [youtube/ShapeShiftDAO](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZ2Ml63kLwZJ6amqoGaZeQ)
👉 Canal Twitch do ShapeShift: [twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao](https://www.twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao)
👉 Aprenda o básico sobre criptografia: #[📕・crypto-101](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Precisa de ajuda: [#🆘・precisa de ajuda](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)

📖 **Termos e Vocabulário**

**Token FOX** - O Token FOX ShapeShift. Um token ERC20 padrão que oferece a você os benefícios de hospedá-lo na plataforma de aplicativo da Web ShapeShift ou no aplicativo móvel. É também o token de governança ShapeShift DAO.

**Fornecimento de liquidez FOX** - Isso é quando você fornece quantidades iguais de FOX e ETH para o pool de liquidez UniSwap v2 FOX-ETH

**Tokens FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP** - Quando você fornece liquidez, a UniSwap envia de volta um token FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP. Pense nisso como um bilhete de cheque que você devolve ao UniSwap quando deseja remover sua liquidez.

**FOX Staking** - É quando você envia seus FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens para o FOX Staking Contract para ganhar recompensas adicionais do FOX Token.

**FOX Yield Farming** - Depois de apostar seus FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP Tokens no FOX Staking Contract, o FOX Token Rewards que você ganha também é conhecido como Farming ou Yield Farming.

**🔗 Links Úteis**

👉 Perda Impermanente:

👉 Como comprar tokens FOX com desconto usando o Olympus Pro:
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds_xAVDxyF4&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=2)

👉 Como ganhar recompensas TOKE em FOX Tokens com Tokemak
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdv6zBjvfJQ&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=3)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🟢" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🔵" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🔴" "value" "```Ler en  Espanol```" "inline" true))
"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🔵" "🟢" "🔴"}}{{else if (eq $f "🔴")}}{{editMessage $d $e (cembed

"title" "🦊ShapeShift - Recursos"

"description" `
👉Productos ShapeShift: [#💵・exchanges-and-wallets](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Canal de YouTube de ShapeShift: [youtube/ShapeShiftDAO](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZ2Ml63kLwZJ6amqoGaZeQ)
👉 Canal de Twitch de ShapeShift: [twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao](https://www.twitch.tv/shapeshiftdao)
👉 Aprenda los conceptos básicos sobre criptografía: #[📕・crypto-101](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)
👉 Necesito ayuda: [#🆘・necesito-ayuda](https://discord.com/channels/554694662431178782/952266471776604292/955129952624324658)

📖 **Términos y Vocabulario**

**Ficha FOX** - La ficha FOX ShapeShift. Un token ERC20 estándar que le brinda beneficios al almacenarlo en la plataforma de la aplicación web ShapeShift o en la aplicación móvil. También es el token de gobernanza ShapeShift DAO.

**Suministro de liquidez FOX** - esto es cuando proporciona cantidades iguales de FOX y ETH al grupo de liquidez UniSwap v2 FOX-ETH

**Tokens FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP** - cuando proporciona liquidez, UniSwap le devuelve tokens FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP. Piense en esto como un boleto de cheque de abrigo que le devuelve a UniSwap cuando desea eliminar su liquidez.

**FOX Staking:** - esto es cuando envía sus tokens FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP al contrato de FOX Staking para que pueda ganar recompensas adicionales de tokens FOX.

**FOX Yield Farming:** - después de apostar sus tokens FOX-ETH-UNI v2 LP en el contrato de participación de FOX, las recompensas de tokens FOX que gana también se conocen como Farming o Yield Farming.

**🔗 Enlaces Útiles**

👉 Pérdida impermanente: 

👉 Cómo comprar tokens FOX con descuento usando Olympus Pro: 
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watchv=ds_xAVDxyF4&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=2)

👉 Cómo ganar recompensas TOKE en tokens FOX con Tokemak:
[ShapeShiftDAO Video Tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watchv=Jdv6zBjvfJQ&list=PLptOctEgZjprxIYJT2ovFnfHsAsK8zMqh&index=4)


"thumbnail" (sdict "url" "https://i.imgur.com/4TcyJk6.png")

"fields" (cslice
			(sdict "name" "🔴" "value" "```Ler en  Español```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🟢" "value" "```Ler em Português```" "inline" true)
			(sdict "name" "🔵" "value" "```Read in English```" "inline" true))

"color" 0x01136D)}}{{deleteAllMessageReactions $d $e}}{{addMessageReactions $d $e "🔵" "🟢" "🔴"}}{{end}}{{end}}

We should also understand which rooms make sense for every language we have.

  • Make some rooms common to all languages and others just for some. Also, we should hide a lot of rooms into roles that people can select or ask to be in.

Right now I am working on those translatable messages with GK and Vito (global contributor)

Would be awesome to have suggestions from the community based on the community onboarding experience.

And thanks, MODsquad for the patience, @vito for the help and my workstream to keep the work flowing while we do this cross workstream relation

General Media and Information Flow of our communinities

Notice that our main regional chats are bridged and backed up with matrix in the future we can have our whole server mirroed at least to matrix.



Damn !!! Tha was a big post , I hope people read it… Lets FOXing Go !

hi! Not sure what the post is for. lol already have rooms setup for us to play in, just waiting on some time for both of us to get together. was hoping today, weathers been rainy up til now, sun comes out, means ppl do too. lol

(step 1) that room showing (…i forget Peak online?) was removed already.

Def be easier if this was seperate posts. hehe

we can use the rooms for details, here is more a general idea, the most people from the community that understand how the server works better!

we can copy and paste in comments it separated and work that on reply threads here

Blockquote We should also understand which rooms make sense for every language we have.

  • Make some rooms common to all languages and others just for some. Also, we should hide a lot of rooms into roles that people can select or ask to be in.


doing this with the ‘LANG Global’ setup. (and all see General -english) ofc, anyone can change/add/remove language roles. but you must select ONE to see the rest of the server.

lol. well that didnt owrk so well.