Release Thread for the week of 1/10/15

Week of 1/10/25 - 7 Releases - 57 Commits - 1 ephemeral environment test

Operational Notes:

Another set of massive releases including major features in Chainflip DCA, Keystore import, rFOX epoch 5, and a massive amount of work getting Limit. Orders ready for release into production.

Swapper saw many tweaks, UI improvements, and bug fixes related to fast follow work with Jupiter and changes in swapper related to limit orders.

Limit orders should be coming in Production next week, with all of the changes to Swapper, Operations is preparing for edge case bugs across all swap functionality and will be focusing on swapper variations and details to attempt to catch any major issues before they are experienced by users. Please continue to use Discord and support tickets to report issues you see in production.

Operations next renewal should be hitting the forums this week.


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General & Strategy

Got more flows and funnels on mixpanel, working with marketing on shared northstars and breakdowns.

Keystore’s in prod. Lil snag on product’s end for not catching the links at the bottom, but that deadclick should get sorted soon enough.

Chanflip launched and already done 3.65 milly. Not bad! (on Friday its was 2.4, so that’s a nice lil weekend)

Allfox this weds is a good opportunity for evaluating “the narrative.” We definitely spike on “what are we becoming?,” “why are we doing this?” “what’s the next milestone” pieces. It’s a fine line balancing short term execution and doubling down when momentum is not clear.

At a minimum, we’re doing side quest apps, making the app better and better in parallel. Why? Awareness. We saw last year that most people remember Shapeshift, so leveraging that memory for exposure is the OG, and then building something useful is the Sweeper. Bullish on us executing parallel right in time for a pivot at some point.

My fremen we have:


Thinking through how to engage FOX discounts more onchain. Signed messages work but then we have to index them, as …an NFT? No bueno. Looking into a simple robust way to cache your FOX balance. It’ll become clear.

Looking at onboarding more, initial connection flow, onramping, and feedback, we may have a building opportunity here. Depends on bandwith.

Spec updates:

  • Spec Ratio is at: 7/26 (3.71)
    • We’ve included an icebox status now and moved most of the holding pattern, wont’ do, or other specs older than 8 months. Should those projects become opportunities, ayyy easy revival. But an more efficient pipeline working back into github is a win for everyone.


In progress

Other feature process:

Onwards and upwards!