Release Thread for the week of 1/24/25

Week of 1/24/25 - 9 Releases - 35 Commits - 1 ephemeral environment test

Operational Notes:

This week was primarily focused around work related to the connect wallet flow as we optimize and improve all of the non-ShapeShift wallet connection flows.

Some follow up work around Keystore imports was required to make the flow happy again.

This week was the first full week of the new smaller releases more often cadence resulting in many more releases than our average amount. The hope is that this relieves pressure on the release process and owner of the release. Operations is working with 0xean and the Engineers to upskill and slowly take on more and more of the release process without disturbing the flow.

Operations Renewal for the next term is live in Snapshot , please drop a comment and give us a vote! Operations will be teaming up with the C-Mods to do some upskilling and cross training in support and testing if the renewal passes.



Marketing and Growth

Searching for a new engineering Workstream leader!

Limit orders :building_construction:

Solana :oncoming_automobile:

  • Highlighting new pairs through Jupiter (and base ofc) in the coming week
    • Would love to get some comarketing with Jupiter but their team is elusive. If you have and POC’s there, would love an intro (plz)
  • Player1Taco Podcast this Saturday—complete live demo and walk-through of our application (super exciting)
  • Chainflip trade routes are back up and being pushed
    • ABM messaging going out from builder accounts; seeing some nice response rates there (obo 7% open + response rate)
  • X Space on the 30th with Lambos for Virgins

FWIF :building_construction:

  • Doc finalized w/ product & eng.
  • Snapshot taken on the 20th (s/o PTT & Sapote for data).
  • Marketing has 40m FWIF tokens to give to users to help onboard them and their friends. If you or a loved one would like some tokens to give to your degenerate friends, send a message in Marketing-public and we can get you sorted with some tokens. This is going to best spread through friends sharing with friends (IMO)



  • Check out these new channels:

We’re encouraging all full-time contributors to share on socials (let me repeat that again) all full-time contributors to share on socials—building personal brands while discussing what you’re working on, problems you’re solving, and your thoughts on the broader crypto ecosystem (and hopefully ShapeShift!). This channel makes it easy to post, engage with the community, and stay visible in the day-to-day social grind. It’s also a great spot for content that the main account can QT. A couple of days each week, we’ll highlight contributor posts and the work you’re doing. Let’s get sharing!

Keystore :lock::arrow_right:

  • Going live on Wednesday next week 1/29/25
  • Great acquisition moment for THORWallet and THORSwap users (heard that their top wallets used on their platforms are keystore wallets).
    • Super curious to take a look at most commonly used wallet + how much they are trading

If you need any assistance crafting tweets or proofreading, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Shout out to prof for being proactive with his threads this week. Stoked to take a peek and see what everyone puts together!



Product – General & Strategy

New wallet flow is looking nice and clean. Though this isn’t a “grand re-envisioning of what wallets really mean” on Shapeshift, it’s much friendlier and much clearer. This feature also highlights some gaps on mobile which we will ticket and coordinate around. Additionally, it spills over into the connect wallet screen on the swapper and how to make that much more informative.
me: “Demos are gone! rates are free to use!
users: “cool, so what does the app actually do? it buys fox”
me: “F”

PTT is going to be stepping up more to own the onramping and onboarding flow over the course of Q1. We’ve seen a large amount of users going to fiat ramps and it’s clear that’s because the first step after wallet creation is funding it. We should tweak this, and optimize revenues if it is indeed genuine flows. Plus having more providers is always good, thank you for your service wrangling all that research ser.

Oh yeah we put hats on stuff, now flipping the flag is on marketing’s plate.

Process & Research

Shout out @Apotheosis for filling a product gap before we even had a chance at ticketing. Custom SOL imports FTW!! Will probably spec out a preconfirgued routes experience as a result, and we have the ticket there.

Wee Lil urgency on the Thorfi situation, we should have some PR’s up shortly addressing the lending and synths pause.

Spec updates:

  • Spec Ratio is at: 6/27 (4.5)
    • Yikes this needs a heavy focus next week to clarify these and centralize around the vision
    • OG is in dev. kickoff good. OG shapeshift is dead long live OG.


In progress

Other feature process:

Onwards and upwards!