Release Thread for the week of 5/1024

Week of 5/10/24 - 8 Releases - 61 Commits

Operational Notes

1.587.0 - introduces a pretty gnarly TC bug that was noticed promptly upon release and was fixed in 1.588.0 s/o Woody and MBMaria

Much of the work this week was related to account management work done behind a flag. It’s testable in develop if your interested in seeing all the hard work or have a a multi account wallet that could benefit from the feature.

Lots of quick response tickets have been fielded and addressed promptly from posts made in #Product-public-chat and #operations-public-chat, thank you and please keep it up!

The animation from the connect wallet screen was finally removed from all versions of the app reducing the resource hog it was.

Beardly mobile improvements.

FOX farming V9 got voted in and promptly added.

Lots of work being done to Sentry, our error monitoring service, Operations is looking forward to collaborating with engineering on sentry monitoring and error triaging.

Farmer and the Fox


That’s a big boi. Whoa.

It’s soon week. Few things in flight: rFOX, multi account, and landing pages. Most in dev not all out. Successful office hours this week (artifact here). Check out the new Shapeshift DOT com soon for refreshed landing pages about all the Thorchain features and why they are good.

To ops points above, a sneak peak on some better ledger love too:

That’s right many of the chains and less friction. Soon ™.

Oh, and btw, since Midgard updated we should be able to source opportunities that are much more intuitive and clear. Most folks would like to know where they can park funds for more optimized returns ( if it’s possible). To make room we cleaned up zapper’s behavior issues, ahem, again.


In progress

  • Spec Ratio is at: 44/15 (2.9)

Other feature process:

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