Release thread for the week of 7/12/24

Week of 7/12/24 - Releases - Commits

Operational Notes

We ended up needing 2 hot fixes this week for issues caused by releases. 1.637.0 and 1.638.0 were sent to resolve issues that blocked users from engaging with Swapper that were related to the changes made in detecting smart contract addresses and issues with TX history populating correctly.

We now support smart contracts in most features in the app (TC pools support for smart contracts is released on the TC side, still awaiting full Operations testing to catch any edge cases)

rFOX improvements keep coming in as users run into edge case situations, please report any abnormalities in OperationsPublicChat to have them recreated and addressed asap.

If Operations were more staffed, we would have loved to address the addition of smart contract functionality as a mini new feature testing guide that could have tested this addition outside of the release process, it may have caught the bugs we had to hot fix this week. Vote for us if you want to see more resourcing.




Got RUNE pool specced and mocked aaaaaand found out that it isn’t shipping until a few weeks. :face_exhaling: We’ll reprioritize from there. Also, the mobile experience’s last push has some hanging tickets to finalize (namely switching wallets and that damn side menu).

Smashed through a bunch of UX improvements (as per Tyler’s points)….and portals is spiked + go-to-market is mapped. Thanks @hpayne_shapeshiftdem :saluting_face:

Been getting more product suggestions and use cases in chat channels, which is fantastic to see. More complete tickets means more work we can evaluate as possible.


All FOX Wednesday went quite well. Goals are at 79% completion, which is better than the last 6 month check in. Forum post inbound next week, breaking it down. [WIP] Goals 1H 2024 Check

Made this artifact for how we structured our org around product-engineering-design Product Pipeline History and Overview - Google Slides


In progress

  • Spec Ratio is at: 40/14 (2.85)

Other feature process:

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