[Thoughts] The Ideation phase *on Boardroom* is redundant and unnecessary

  1. I would like to get what the community thinks on the current governance model of the ideation phase on boardroom. Here are my thoughts:

    Boardroom is laggy, unreliable, and buggy at times.

  2. The number of FOX tokens one is holding should not allow their comment to be at the top, beating even the OP’s comments.
  3. By the time a proposal makes it into ideation, it’s already been mulled over by more eyes in the forum, than the incredibly small number of people that monitor and contribute in the Boardroom ideation room.
  4. A simple Discourse category for “Final Ideation Stage” or something similar would be sufficient, save time and confusion, and remove a layer of segmentation and information loss / miscommunications / misconceptions.
  5. When in final stages of ideation, you should be able to edit the main topic’s contents to avoid confusion going into voting.
  6. Before going into formal voting, a simple bot can take a snapshot and upload to git or IPFS for record keeping (maybe a command called by the original poster, or maybe when the thread is closed, signaling it’s going into voting?).

(is my 48-hour frustration with boardroom showing? 1f605 ) But on a serious note, this has been on my mind for a while.

Thanks for your feedback on the governance process and suggestion to improve it. I’m curious to hear the community’s thoughts on this as well.

Thanks for your feedback on the governance process and suggestion to improve it 1f64f

  1. I’m curious to hear the community’s thoughts on this as well.

    While I definitely agree this process can be improved, I am not yet convinced we should replace Ideation with Discourse, and would instead advocate that we first try and work with the Boardroom team to see if we can’t help them make Ideation even better. I actually think Ideation is pretty sweet, at least when it works.

    Boardroom is laggy, unreliable, and buggy at times.

  2. It’s true Boardroom has had some issues, but nothing that has blocked the governance process. Boardroom is a new product and the team is actively working on fixing issues and making improvements, and any time we’ve reported an issue or given them feedback they’ve been quick to address it. It’s also been a great portal to point community members to for all-things-governance, and while I don’t think anyone is suggesting this, I would be against removing it from our governance stack entirely.

    The number of FOX tokens one is holding should not allow their comment to be at the top, beating even the OP’s comments.

  3. This is feedback the Boardroom team would love to hear and could improve we can help them come up with a better solution. But I actually think that as long as voting power is based on token-balance, the feature to up/downvote comments based on token-holdings is valuable. I’d be curious to hear the Boardroom team’s thoughts on this and know they’d love to hear yours too, and will share this thread with them now.

    By the time a proposal makes it into ideation, it’s already been mulled over by more eyes in the forum, than the incredibly small number of people that monitor and contribute in the Boardroom ideation room.

  4. If this were the case I would agree, but the opposite is true - there are more eyeballs on Boardroom than the forum. You can click on the vote-count on Boardroom and see the ideation posts get far more votes than any of the posts in the forum. While you and many community members are highly engaged in the forum, the majority of token holders that are voting on proposals are not actively following the forum, and that’s okay. One of the main motivations to use Ideation was that it would keep the proposal drafts and “pre-proposals” in the same place as proposals so token holders could get a high-level overview of the governance process from a single app.

    A simple Discourse category for “Final Ideation Stage” or something similar would be sufficient, save time and confusion, and remove a layer of segmentation and information loss / miscommunications / misconceptions.

  5. If we decide to migrate away from the Ideation functionality, I agree a category in the forum would be the best alternative. However, the Boardroom team is also working on forum functionality that will have parity with Discourse and more; I think long-term the best solution for us could actually be to migrate the forum to Boardroom. I see a lot of value in having one portal for governance, hence why I’m such a fan of Boardroom.

    When in final stages of ideation, you should be able to edit the main topic’s contents to avoid confusion going into voting.

Great feedback for the Boardroom team. Maybe something that could solve this as well as the feedback around stale ideation threads would be the ability to link a snapshot proposal to an ideation thread 1f914 1f4a1

  1. just an idea, all I’m saying is that not only can this issue be resolved, but if we can up with a better solution, we have the opportunity to DAO it

    Before going into formal voting, a simple bot can take a snapshot and upload to git or IPFS for record keeping (maybe a command called by the original poster, or maybe when the thread is closed, signaling it’s going into voting?).

Ideation threads and interactions are all stored on-chain on Ceramic Network, which I would argue is preferable to pinning to IPFS. If we could link a proposal to an ideation, that could achieve this and could be a great improvement to our current process.


I recognize Boardroom is an early product and there will be bugs, but I’ve been really impressed with the team and their velocity and confident their product will only get better from here. I’m super excited about their roadmap, and while I’m open to considering alternative solutions for the Ideation phase, I’m more in favor of trying it out a bit longer before we give up on it entirely; I propose that we instead share this feedback with the Boardroom team and see if we can help perfect Ideation rather than switch to using Discourse which also won’t be perfect, but where we’ll have little influence in making changes.

Whoah, thanks for the long and thought-out input!

If this were the case I would agree, but the opposite is true - there are more eyeballs on Boardroom than the forum.

Didn’t realize. If this is the case, then it totally makes sense I suppose. And yes, sharing feedback with them would be great. As we make the “ShapeShift governance 101” guides I guess we can really dive deeper into the chokepoints and areas that could use some significant improvements.