Release thread for the week of 1/31/24

Week of 1/31/25 - 8 Releases - 25 Commits - 2 ephemeral environment tests

Operational Notes:

New Features that went out this week:
SOL support on native ShapeShift wallet

rFOX deposits for LPers

FWIF work (will go live Monday)

Lots of copy changes and functionality flags were added and disabled to warn users of the current situation in THORfi.

Ops has bee working with Engineering on building he app locally for better specific release tests. This is the first stepping stone to Ops assisting Engineering with ownership of the release flow process.

Operations Office hours got delayed one week, join us next week for walkthroughs of Limit Orders, SOL support on native wallet, FWIF, and rFOX LPing

Operations Renewal in live in SnapShot, please go have a read and vote!


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Marketing and Growth

New people coming into the discord (yay)

A warm welcome to those of you who recently discovered ShapeShift and have hopped in the Discord, forum, or Twitter. It’s been great to see some new FOXes show up

Searching for a new engineering Workstream leader! Had a couple folks stop by in general. If you know anyone, please share this.

Limit orders (Shipped) :white_check_mark:

Solana :oncoming_automobile:

  • Highlighting new pairs through Jupiter (and base ofc) in the coming week
    • Would love to get some comarketing with Jupiter but their team is elusive. If you have and POC’s there, would love an intro (plz)
  • Player1Taco Podcast needs to confirm—wires got crossed and need to reschedule

FWIF :building_construction:

  • Launch date set for Feb 3 10:30am PST; announced a countdown
  • Teasing out to communities:
  • Doc finalized w/ product & eng.
  • Snapshot taken on the 20th (s/o PTT & Sapote for data).
  • Marketing has 40m FWIF tokens to give to users to help onboard them and their friends. If you or a loved one would like some tokens to give to your degenerate friends, send a message in Marketing-public and we can get you sorted with some tokens. This is going to best spread through friends sharing with friends (IMO)


We’re encouraging all full-time contributors to share on socials (let me repeat that again) all full-time contributors to share on socials—building personal brands while discussing what you’re working on, problems you’re solving, and your thoughts on the broader crypto ecosystem (and hopefully ShapeShift!). This channel makes it easy to post, engage with the community, and stay visible in the day-to-day social grind. It’s also a great spot for content that the main account can QT. A couple of days each week, we’ll highlight contributor posts and the work you’re doing. Let’s get sharing!

Keystore :lock::arrow_right:

  • Going live on Thursday 2/6/25; moved from this week as we better approach GTM funnels and docs. Taking a new approach on understanding the audience that this directly impacts.
  • In my mind, this is a great acquisition moment for THORWallet and THORSwap users (heard that their top wallets used on their platforms are keystore wallets). We have tinkered with some of the messaging to better cater to them.


General & Strategy

Last week we spoke bout the new wallet and mobile gripes we uncovered. 90% of them fixed. We now have a full on channel for this. Being annoying is, counterintuitively, good.

Pre-populated swapper routes are coming, making sharing Shapeshift even easier.

Oh yeah we put hats on stuff, now flipping the flag is on marketing’s plate to double check Monday and out it goes. Def have some prime memery coming down the pipe, super curious to see how the market reacts. We can assume there will be misanthropy, perhaps that converts people. Live product roasts on Twitter is gonna be fun.

Process & Research

Inspired by a process retro, we realized that product should and can be more passionate about things*** in the product FFS. Shout out @Apotheosis, again, for upgrading the mindset and @0xean for bringing the teams together. Really exciting expanding ideation and reviewing rougher edges of thoughts in progress as we have them.

Less preciousness more polish.

To wit, over the next 3 months refinement is the name of the game.

Spec updates:


In progress

Other feature process:

Onwards and upwards!

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:popcorn: :joy: LFG - sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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