Release thread for the week of 3/15/24

Product is trying to step into more ops testing so we have a cohesive view of what’s going well or not, bear with us as we try to prioritize from there. In many ways, as we make stuff better…. we break other things. As a result, our bug board is cleaner, our “all tickets” board is more useable/scalable, we have more awareness of blockers, are smoothing the pipeline, but… conversely a bit more unnecessary stress. It’s good that we hold ourselves to higher standards of accountability and productivity.

This is what growing pains look like and we should expect more of them as we scale up the teams matching demand into “wif hat” season.

LP uncovered quite a few different moving pieces that needed fixing. Like, a lot. At the end of the week we pushed to get it release-ready alongside shipping a few fires into a hotfix. We did a go/ no-go meet and uncovered last polish and ticketed them correctly with priority (hooray new ticket board shines).

The next steps are a revisiting on process here while we polish things up next week. And then shove this goddamn boat into the ocean. Look up at ops GIF. :point_up_2:

Mobile refactor is ticketed, follow along here. We demo-d at Office hours, so if you know where to look expect good stuff soon :eyes:

Arbitrum grant with mockups is shipped, revised NFT data specs, merged a lot of out of date Osmosis & Atom things,


In progress

  • Spec Ratio is at: 52/23 (2.26)

Other feature process: