Release Thread for the week of 6/21/24

Week of 6/21/24 - 6 Releases - 35 Commits

Operational Notes

Mobile improvements went out this week to both Android, iOS launching monday pending Marketing updates. FOXprops to NeoMaking, Beard, Gomes, 0xean and the rest of the crew that hand a part in getting it finished.

Wallet Connect is now completely functional for mobile users (pending iOS release)

We had a complete Node outage from NNs requiring the team to triage and revive self hosted nodes for Tier 1 (BTC, ETH) and leaving the app without node availability for all other chains until Now Nodes recovered. The outage was ~3 hours with no support tickets related to the issue in that time.

Some confusion around TCs mechanics and UTXO protocols have spurred discussion between Ops and Eng and feels like a good Lunch and Learn topic. Be on the lookout for a call added to the calendar in the coming weeks.

Now that the mobile app improvements have made it to Production, Operations turns its focuses to testing all things rFOX. As always if you know where the flags are, you are encouraged to do some early feature testing. Ops will have a full final testing sheet and thread next week.

Lots of fixes went in this week related to edge case complexities of Swapper and TC pools bugs.

Arb is now a chain that is functional with Cowswap!



Starting off stronk with folks back in office, though the nodes decided to have a moment. Got mobile releases out on android and iOS which gave us an opportunity to completely rethink the marketing collateral there. Beard literally put in a months work making the mobile app more modern so we’re going to get all the copy adjusted. From there we’ll end up with better screenshots for the app store that uh, match.

Met with the 9realms folks and seems like we’ll spiking into the absolute degeneracy that is Solana to get level of effort, swappers, nodes, and other pieces understood. Not quite a full launch, just giving the window for what support looks like.

As @Tyler_ShapeShift noted, Cowswap out on Arb now. :cow: . Super useful since we’ve been seeing our volume and revenues per user grow over there. Sometimes overtaking 0x as swapper of choice for EVMs.


Got the process documented, finally. This is quite the deck, since we had one year of socializing mental models and getting on a similar page. Deck here. Had a nice check in at office hours. Another office hours in the can with another artifact.


In progress

  • Spec Ratio is at: 43/13 (3.30)

Other feature process:

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