I Would like to see people appointed to the foundation who can “bridge” the two communities, individuals who have ideas and can produce pathways that continue to help shapeshift resources transition into the DAO, not just hardware or software and patented IP’s. This would include former personnel who have transitioned to the DAO.
I can see this as a potential pain point with so many taking the reins as “leaders” but still may have tendencies of a centralized and traditional company, this is very new to everyone and can be especially difficult for those expected to “flip” a mental switch and now be DAO minded. Of course these individuals hold currently the vast resources of Shapeshift knowledge and experience. The potential exists for many outcomes of course but I would like to offer caution to one in particular. And in doing so point out how this or these “bridged” individual(s) can add benefit to the foundation beyond assisting to transfer the physical and intellectual property left behind after the closure of ShapeShift LLC.
With the 3 year gradual unlocking of FOX assets the incentive can be for “genesis” foxes to work with the DAO and ensure this investment is safe guarded, this is by intention. This is great and ideally this would prevent a massive “brain” drain from the community in the beginning. But what is the incentive for these new “leaders” to share this role, yes ideally the DAO can vote them out, but if they are doing a “good” job why would they. Now the sticky point, what defines good is up to the DAO which is made of coarse of those individuals with considerable FOX assets (voting power) and others like for example
Profit minded or primary driven by the potential of future or greater wealth generation. This is to a varying degree most DAO members, so if the value of their investment grows at an acceptable rate they are “happy”.
Highly profited minded individuals most likely won’t want to disturb this dynamic of “higher leadership” for fear of a dip in profit even if temporary a loss is not acceptable if at all believed to be avoidable.
So now who’s available to try and hold them accountable is a much smaller minority of DAO voting power, mainly the individuals who would like to replace them.
Pitch I would like to replace the genesis fox members who have had access to all the resources and experience and now have been insulated by former and current team members who have incentive “salaries” to continue to hold these positions. To break down further If you work with a team that already has working knowledge why would you have to share with others outside that team the how, why, and what got you the results besides a reporting tool and actual verifiable open source code. To continue with the pitch, and I promise that I will do a “better” job for a lot less after a determined “assimilation” period. And I hope this doesn’t set me up for failure.
So one can see a simple scenario of a percentage (how large?) of these genesis fox collective holding these “salaried” roles see my comments on this here for the three year period or as long as desired and then moving on.
Back to the initial point of having a foundation asset that helps ensure that these transitioning individuals have the tools and accountability to share this Intellectual Property. Individual(s) that can mentor them on becoming mentors and consultative to the DAO vs salaried owners/leaders of departments.
Otherwise the most probable scenario is the genesis fox hold all the higher DAO positions and the majority of other DAO community “general” members vie for the bounties. And this is what some may envision as the direction of the DAO and be fine with it.
I am looking to offer thoughts, my thoughts and open a dialogue. I am not looking to insult or attack the hard working and exemplary ShapeShift employees that are entering this unknown willingly and at great expense to their and families well-being. These are uncertain times already with a pandemic now throw in a complex income transition. Please do not think that I do not value your actions, ability, skill, knowledge, stress, and the choice that you are making to continue with the DAO.
Instead I am looking to offer a toolset that can be added to your already expansive skill set and provide what I see as value to the DAO at its current stage of development. Thank you for taking the time to objectively read and please vote your thoughts. If you like as a stress reliever curse at me in my Discord DM’s I will understand.